In the previous life , its coworker friends ( WHAT ? This a$$hole bakayaROU had friends ? ) asked a question :
- Why do you always eat the d!cks of all the innocent humans that you kill ?
- Because Im a hungry b!tch and a fuking cannibal . Yo , my "friends" , your d!cks look tasty . Have you done anything bad lately ? If you did , Im afraid I have to punish you for your sins .
Even in a hot spring , the glass-hole goblin mi-b!tch still doesnt take off her fugly , stupid glasses .
The 2 cook b!tches have been captured by bakayaROU the c0ckroach for a few months , and during that time , they didnt get pregnant because bakayaROU is impotent , it shoots blank , lol . And then when the half-lords and the knight brat join their party , they suddenly get pregnant . Guess who is the real fathers ? Lol .
search Berserk Troll Birth with google image for a particular scene in the Berserk manga . That scene shows how human girls give birth to troll/goblin babies , lol .