Re:Monster - Vol. 8 Ch. 69

Active member
Jan 15, 2020
A series like this with tons of words, some made up, in various sizes and fonts can’t be easy to TL. Thank you very much for your hard work!
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
@Chrona I guess if the one being beheaded is aware of the sword's ability, they will know for absolute sure that the person using it has forgiven them completely if the sword basically passes through their neck without killing them. If they're wrong, it doesn't matter anymore since the sword apparently avoids all defences haha
Jun 9, 2018
I like how some series just NEED to explain every little thing. Like page 21 - fuck, just show that dude is sitting in sniper position and princess giving him thumb up.
Jan 24, 2021

The Curtana was one of the things I found in the novel, and the translation is correct. The effects you may have overlooked are the following:
1: The Curtana, as long as the condemn effect activates, will avoid ANY defenses, meaning it cuts through armor, skills, etc without fail. That makes it a very powerful weapon.
2: The tomboy princess used the Curtana specifically to make the Rock Hero trust that she has forgiven him, and judged him worthy of life. Otherwise, the Rock Hero may have been very wary about what she was specifically thinking sparing him, though she is still monopolizing his strength.

Hope this helps.
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
the feast is not until much later. the grand feast of heroes.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2019
author suddenly make a weird person
a cask head? his name is a PIE??
and artist even make him more absurd since he's literally walking barrel/cask

so loyal, so stupid
his loyalty is really just for himself
most knight/nobles i know in story is truly loyal, even if the royalty is the villain. but not this guy. he's literally had rock for brain
she should just kill him now and then, he's DEFINITELY gonna get screwed later, getting "saved" and then point his sword AGAIN!!
how the F in the world is getting "saved" mean you should do EVERYTHING your savior ask, even betraying the royalty?
it's that stupid. BETRAYER should be killed!!! even if he does repent (if spared). but NO, nothing is worst than BETRAYAL!!!
i dont mean the royalty is good or anything, but theyre all "BAD" in a way. traitor should never be spared!! even his allies is wary of traitor

sigh, this is another Re:BORING
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2020
@Chrona It's pretty clear from the context that it's properly translated. Why would checking forgiveness from the hero matter when there's nothing to forgive and he's waiting for an execution.

Plus, swinging at their throats has an added psychological effect of going from impending death to being forgiven, and shows her conviction. Imagine how lame and passive it would be if she just slightly nicked them to prove it. And obviously a magical item is more reliable than words.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 7, 2018
Wasn't the name of the mercenary group "Parabellum"?

Or am I actually tripping
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
Ah yes, that was the only situation I thought the sword would be useful, letting someone know you absolutely forgave them. Problem, that's incredibly vapid. Forgiveness is an act of restoring trust to someone that has broken it, by necessity, the person forgiving makes the conscious chose to return trust to the person who transgressed, and if the person that transgressed is sincere, they legitimately trust that trust has been restored. By removing this innate concept from the interaction of forgiveness, you've denied the action of all meaning, as it's no longer a social concept, but now a pure statement of fact. The entire point of the transaction of forgiveness is a social ritual and thus a subjective act. Leaving no room for doubt in the mind of the transgressors robs them of their ability to actually internalize the act of forgiveness. It puts the forgiver in the position of weakness, as opposed to the forgiven, not allowing the later to progress.

Put in a far simpler manner, the one who broke the trust was the Rock Hero, not the Princess, there isn't a concievably non-pathological type of person that gives faux-pardons for people who acted against. The mere act of not executing them should be statement enough, the Princess never broke any trust, it was all on the other party.

The Princess does not strike me as someone to give faux-apologies, I don't think a single person but the most inept would think so. There should be no doubt in their minds if they are forgiven. If anything, all the Princess has committed in acts of lying have been statements of omission and not commission.

As far as "cuts through all defenses" that's thrown around on so many swords across all genres that it's not interesting in the slightest. If we wanted to give Tomboy a sword that ignores defense, just give her the sword that ignores defense, no need to add the "forgiveness" angle.

In my scenario, the sword does not check if the Rock Hero has forgiven the Princess, it checks if the Rock Hero is *legitimately remorseful of his actions* towards the princess. This is useful information as he has broken the trust of the Princess he can now lay bare his emotions, and trust would be restored proper. The Princess at no point has broken trust, why would the Rock Hero have reason to doubt her unless he was mentally ill?

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