In fact it was already taken too long for his first death (by murdering) in this arc.
I'm a bit disappointed that it was again in the mansion (he died 3 times there before) and again by belly butcher bitc* (who killed him 2 times before)
Well, now the question is: where will be the savingpoint!?
- all the way back to the capital at Crusch mansion?
- At beako library in the mansion? (maybe this was foreshadowed by Rosswall now).
- Just after the teleport, where he met Echidna for the 1st time?
- Or near, after the first trial, when he was going to inquire Trollswal?
- Or just before went back to the Mansion, in the cart with Garfield?
My inocent guess (i dont want spoilers): the last one.
Then he will cancel the trip and move back to finish the trials, the only way he could freed Emilia and Garfiel to they help him in face that enemy.
Btw, this is my farewell for this manga, since i will be forced to proceed with the story by the anime (probably this will be the cliffhanger of the 5th episode).
Thanks for the great one year of Re:Zero that we could enjoy the continuation of the story!