Rebellio Machina - Ch. 13

Active member
Jul 18, 2019
So, he left his sister’s brain exposed without destroying the ownership chip?

Yup, this should end well. Nothing could possibly go wrong here.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
How come they don't have free will if they are human brains???
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
@Red225 They are probably like servitors in 40k. The brain serves as a computer processing all the orders but there are programs or chips to ensure the machines do what they are told.
Aug 6, 2020
@Arkos in that case why is it so hard to replicate Mizuki? Seems like it should be the other way around...
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
@ew8183 No clue as I am not exactly the author so that can be explained later by author. Furthermore I say they are similar to servitors but there seems to be a huge difference. Servitors are pretty much human turned into cyborgs with their free will taken away. These guys seems to be machines given human brains with programs and chips to keep them in check. So essentially servitors are natural born humans with all the sapience and these are merely machines given a brain mimicking human sapience to serve as black boxes. Also there are questions goes into multiple directions such as their sapience, their "free will", and if they have "souls" ETC. If you have not looked at coding, I will merely say it is already an extremely complicated process to make machines "think" and we are essentially in this story being told somehow this machine has achieved sapience and free will. I would not want to be the person to look through the coding. Also I will add it is an incredibly bad idea to give machines sapience.
Group Leader
Oct 16, 2019
Did you mean sentience? Sapience means to have wisdom.

It's philosophy time.
Why would it be a bad idea to create artificial intelligence?
Whenever a discussion comes to artificial intelligence, I always like to bring up the philosophical statement "Cogito, ergo sum" or in English "I think, therefore I am" made by René Descartes.
If we were somehow able to create a computer or machine that perfectly emulates human thought, wouldn't it simply be human?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2019
@HotChocolatte Because you can always take a step further and make it much more aware. And researchers like to try all possible paths to acheiving some technology, meaning we'll have hypercapable chatbot before we have a human in a box.
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
@HotChocolate No I mean sapience because most animals are sentient meaning they are aware or conscious but you dont see any of them using tools and building structures do you? Sapience is what I am using because it is human wisdom that got us this far meaning humans are continually learning in various ways and vastly differ whereas animals are still doing the same stuff typically.

Now onto your philosophy question. I am just going to say humanity of all races should not be playing god creating sentient sapient machines that will mirror us. It would be one thing to create an AI to support us so long as proper safeties are in place but lets be honest Humanity already has problems with itself and conflict is somewhat ingrained with us as in life now add in a potentially immortal self learning machine into the competition and we are probably going to get Skynet eventually if we aren't careful. Last thing humanity needs is an entirely new sapient race that can be about as bad as us and that can out compete with us by leaps and bounds.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
@ew8183 Yeah, that was my immediate thought too. Like, any scientist would think "Hmm, what gives them free will? Oh maybe it's that enormous ball of free will I put into them". If she was wondering what made Minazuki have free will, this revelation makes it sound like that was just a curious bugfix then ("hmm, what guard did I forget to put on him?") rather than some new unexplained phenomena she was trying to investigate. And it seems like it'd be easy enough to replicate his free will anyway.
Aggregator gang
Jan 19, 2018
That's presuming human's have free wills, and that consciousness exists instead of just being an illusion in the programming.
Aggregator gang
Jan 19, 2018
So, just gonna guess because it seems like the author is pretty predictable by dropping that the Military A. Wanted to mass produce the byakudanshiki and B. contradicted this goal by having them commit a mass killing. So I'm just going to guess the rest of the story goes like this for the main beats.
There's a human supremacist group in the government.
The millitary then programmed the Byakudanshiki to go on a rampage to give justification for not making any more and for the Vampire King to have a "moral" reason to end the war after such a tragedy.
This was actually a cover up however, the Byakudanshiki are actually being mass produced in secret by the military to ensure successful eradication.
The military heads will claim it was done to ensure the eradication of vampires off the face of the earth.
They mass release the Byakudanshiki into the world.
Vampire King reveals he not only charmed the military, but had the Byakudanshiki programmed to only kill humans at his commend.
Vampire King reveals that the ceasefire was all a lie, he just wanted a fighting force so powerful of vampire and Byakudanshiki that no other human means could defy him.
He launches his takeover of the world.
Vampire Princess gets to be all pouty that daddy was just lying about thinking human's were equal, somehow getting MC to where he needs to be to take down Daddy.
MC destroys some central control unit for the Byakudanshiki that makes it so they all have free will.
Princess purges all of the evil vampire-supremacists.
Everyone lives happily ever after.
Jan 26, 2018

Interesting take:

Another one would be:
- Human military wanted to mass produce Byakudanshiki, but lacked a key ingredient (which is not written in the blueprint, every creator wants to keep the key ingredient secret)
- So, human military tinkers with exiting Byakudanshiki.
- Accidentally bricked the device....oopsie
- the story will continue with MC seeking out his siblings to stop them from going rogue.

Another one follows your premise with a twist:
- Vampire King did not charm military but some people in the military are supremacist and did the mass produce in secret
- Supremacist is grave digging and hunting original Byakudanshiki for secret ingredient.
- When they found it, they declare war
- Turns out vampire supremacist is doing the same thing
- World get into three sided war: Vampire Supremacist, Human Supremacist and Vampire-Human Alliance
- MC stuck in the middle with dilemma: Side with humans (as his original program) or with the vampire supremacist (as revenge for killing his mom) or take the moral high ground to be the advocator of peace for the 2 species (side with the Alliance)
Jan 26, 2018

In regards to the servitors comment:

I agree with that idea. Although I will think it differs in the sense that while they have human brain as the main processor, there are also chips to suppress and influence (think brainwashing) the brain - seen in this chapter and the cafeteria chapters where there are inner voices giving the order (similar to schizophrenia).

MC can fight off the "devil's whispers" cause he has "big brain" one that can better switch off his "inner thoughts", presumably because his amygdala is broken (evidenced by his apathy or lack of emotion to anything in general). This will probably explain why it is hard to replicate the MC, since the brain is not fully understood yet at that time.

TL;DR: MC is a sociopath / psychopath, so inner thoughts don't work as well with him

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