Rebellio Machina

Jan 28, 2019
>be me
>read this chapter 1 to see if its good
>see "Japan saved the world!"
>dropped on sight
why do they keep doing this bros...
Jul 5, 2020
People:"Dropping this"
me :looks around"Hey guys this guy is dropping the manga"
Also me: "See? No body cares !"
Jan 19, 2018
After reading your comment I can only assume you've never seen a Hollywood movie, read Marvel or DC (or at least the classic stuff seeing as how the two are nowadays), chinese manhwa or korean webcomics. Neither have you had any contact with any other kind of media apparently.
No matter what kind of media the author often will kiss the ass of their own country, so what's wrong your beef with japan doing the same?
If you don't like japanese media I have to inform you you're probably on the wrong site.

Unless that was a joke, then feel free to call me out for falling for it.
Aug 28, 2020
>West Germany
>Literally a fortress nation with lot of military bases because bad communist
>Vampire came and beat them in 10 years
>Japan, out of all nations, somehow managed to create 6 super robots
>japan saved the world

Keep jerking to that raising sun flag, author. You are doing great.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
@Villager21 it's called nationalism and patriotism and shit like that - like 'oh we r da bestt, i love dis country and shtuff, and we save da world!'*

(*please note that i am not trying to be rude in any way, but am writing this agreeing with you (generally, tho by now i have gotten over it and it does not bother me) and also, i mean im here, i like many parts of japanese culture(tho i am not fond of things like their misogyny and racism(i have seen many examples of racism towards chinese in mangas/LNs/WNs/anime/etc.(also sometimes of other cultures too))) and also, I, for one, don't get/understand(others') feelings of nationalism or patriotism(nor do i have any (country i live in is... well... not politics time so i wont get into that)) and i could go on a bit more but im not)
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
“Peaceful Country”
“Supposed to be hero rises in revolt”
“False world”
I’m confused. What exactly is the premise here? Is the country is already peaceful any kind of revolt is going to hurt the majority of people and just make things worse. I can understand wanting to save the princess who might be forced into stuff (though strictly speaking it can be argued that royalty have an obligation to their people) and that seems simple and straightforward (a bit a selfish but whatever; we all act in self interest one way or the other). And then the false world is randomly thrown in. How can a world be false. Its either there or its not there. Does it mean like facade or something? And still as long as it isn’t harming the majority if people I don’t see how fighting it can make things better. The opposite of peaceful is of course war, conflict, and violence. If it’s something like vampires are secretly killing people for food than starting a riot over that will hardly make things better considering they need that to not die so either they die or fight to not die. Is it something with the robots? I’m just not getting what this story is trying to be and don’t want to dive in without that basic direction. Is the mc just being selfish? Are things actually bad or did the author just throw in random justification to make the mc making things worse look good?
Dec 31, 2019
Question for people who read this:
How generic is this going to be? The cover looks like if Nisekoi became isekai or something.
Group Leader
Oct 16, 2019
Series was axed.
Last chapter is chapter 16, we'll try to complete it soon.
Anyone want to translate the light novel for me? lol

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