So I'm pretty sure this side of the bracket is going to go like this, from this point on. Wukong Vs Prometheus toss up probably Prometheus, for plot set up but he can also just drop to set up Wukong as a good enemy. Zhuqe Vs Indra; is getting propped up for a match with Morrigan, also Indra while not having an onscreen fight we have already seen in the main series as a flashback rival. Nezha Vs Morrigan, Morrigan is being set up with momentum with the plot probably gonna be Morrigan.
Cu Chalain pushed through the Quarter finals. Zhuqe Vs Morrigan can work either way, cause if Zhuqe does beat Morrigan it would be a good way to set him up as a good semi final enemy, I feel we will probably get a Bishamonten situation by this fight or just after.