Reddit like comments rating

Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
Thumbs up / thumps down for comments, most liked comments are sent to the top while comments with x amount of dislikes are hidden.

Give also ability to user to display most recent comments instead of by most liked
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018

Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
I like me some fire. Thumbs up for a comment voting system.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
There is discussion on what system to use. Staff are mostly against a like/dislike system. We'll probably end up implementing a Facebook style system.
Feb 11, 2018
I personally would prefer to keep discussion threads linear (it's easier to read and check for new comments that way), but I'd also like to be able to express my reactions towards various posts. I think something like GitHub issues reactions could work as well (for example, see this thread: ).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I think a simple "like comment" option like on the old Batoto would be nice too, for starters at least.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
I'm also not in favour of a system, that changes the order of comments, so maybe I posted my statement into the wrong thread, but I really like the idea of upvoting posts. My reasons are:
[ol][*]Sometimes the comment section for chapters grows reeeeeeally long and even though it's good practice to read every comment...I sometimes simply don't have the patience to do so. If I would be able to pick out the postings with the most upvotes, that would be really fine.[*]Some comments are so funny, intriguing, right on the spot or bizarre, I just want to highlight them and give the authors my thanks for such a delightful moment, they gave to me.[*]Some comments or postings offer an opinion I concur with, while others in the same section/thread oppose that opinion. It would be like a poll-feature lite.[/ol]

My guess is, that the Staff is mostly against the "dislike" in a like/dislike system. Like @Nightlilygirl- suggested a "like" feature would be sufficient. I see the possible abuse of the "dislike" option (bulling) and that being disliked to much would hurt users and make them shy away, but if somebody is actually butthurt for just not getting enough likes, that guy/gal has issues. (Btw: Is there a thread discussing this kind of upvoting system? I really miss a search option for the forum. I know: You are on it.)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
You never know how things will turn out if you install a dislike option. In some places I've been it has worked well and only spam and comments posted by trolls got voted down, but in other places some people simply wandered around summarily clicking dislike at pretty much every post, save perhaps their own or some other one they wanted to promote. I've also seen dislikes being given to perfectly valid, relevant, understandable, and reasonable opinions, simply because someone disagreed with those opinions, yet couldn't even bother to state their opposing opinion. Likes don't have similar problems, although they tend to promote early posters.
May 8, 2018
On forums, it would sort of defeat the purpose of a forum. It's to be a part of a conversation/discussion, not just to make comments. When you install a up/down feature, it doesn't put things chronologically so you're missing out on conversation pieces. It works on reddit because you reply to a thread within the comments, which is not how the forums on MD work. They're linear and allow everyone to participate in a conversation that is the topic of the post.

As for in the comments on a manga or chapter, I feel like there aren't really enough people involved to warrant the time to create the system. I do agree with something simple like just a "like" feature. Or even like in Discord where you can react with an emoji or something.
Feb 11, 2018
Some comparison of the kinds of reactions that other social media sites use (not an exhaustive list):

(2015-07) Slack reactions: like basically any emoji

(2016-02) Facebook reactions: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, Angry

(2016-03) GitHub reactions: +1, -1, laugh, confused, heart, hooray

(2017-03) Messenger: Love, Smile, Wow, Sad, Angry, Yes, No

In most of these cases, it looks like the site developers did some analysis and user studies when deciding on which emoji reaction choices they would offer, and picked the most representative subset of the kinds of sentiment most commonly expressed by their users.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
After careful analysis I retract my statement of getting a up/down system. There are MANY people in this site that absolutely despise me for whatever reason, and I am sure they would unblock me, downvote / dislike my post then block me again just for the "fuck you" aspect of it.

maybe just a positive system that sends the most liked comments to the top with options to select recent ones as well
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 17, 2018
It's good to have a simple "like" comment like on batoto or novel updates.

I have no problem with the dislike system, but make sure not to show the amount. I had read on a novel translation site (Wuxiaworld) and see that comments to thx the translator like "thx for the chapter :)" got some dislike for some minor reason, like wtf
Jun 2, 2018
The like option is nice. The dislike one isn't. Maybe having reactions like Discord?
Power Uploader
Jun 1, 2018
Uhh I don't like upvote/downvote system for comments, Mangadex is not a discussion site like reddit, there can be personal reviews for comments but no need to make it a competition where users compete for best and worst comments. Unnecessary flame wars will be created.
Apr 23, 2018
+1 for either thumbs up or reactions. I would love a way to express my interest/reaction to a comment without having to clutter the discussion with one line crap like
"@userX Lol! Good one."
"I agree with @userX"

I often find myself trying to come up with some sort of crappy comment on the subject/manga as well so the post isn't just "everything I want to say has already been said. But I wanted to make sure you all know I am still alive and well. Here I am! LOVE ME"

Reactions/thumbs up should either have no notifications, or possibly grouped notifications. Reasons being:
1) I would imagine a lot more people using them than @mentions, so notification list could become cluttered
2) Although it is nice to know people liked your post, no action is necessary/expected/required after it. Notifications could promote people to come back just to say "wow, thanks for all the likes!". A post nearly guaranteed to be unrelated to the discussion at hand.
May 5, 2018
"while comments with x amount of dislikes are hidden."
People love their censorship. Thankfully this site is good and doesn't have cancer features.
Dec 16, 2018
That feature is must have, methinks.
You miss a lot of funny comments that would otherwise be upvoted as a top comment due to lack of ratings.
If you don't want to force people to watch top rated comments, just make "sort by date" default.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
I suppose you can go YouTube style like/dislike where dislikes have absolutely no purpose and you only see the total amount of likes. From there you can see the most liked comments.

Except in this case please make the dislike functional by having an x amount of dislikes as the limit before said comment is auto-deleted. 'X' can probably be calculated by an algorithm depending on the popularity of the comment thread (views, comments, active viewers, once-only viewers) so the more popular something is the bigger X becomes to avoid a valid, unpopular opinion to be auto-deleted.

A comment that achieves x amount of dislikes are probably only trolls anyway so I can't see how this system can go wrong.
Jul 2, 2018
From what i’m hearing here, i think it would be better if we had reaction system, where we can express our opinion through smiles or likes or which ever. Debating about whether smiles is better or likes is, can happen another time. Whatever the outcome maybe, we should be able to choose how to filter the comments, perhaps have a default for latest comment. It probably would work out like a drop down box to the side, giving options for Latest,Trending( or hottest, whatever it may be), Most Popular, etc. This way whatever system we choose, we can still switch between the options that we want to see.

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