Release That Witch - Ch. 156 - New Clearwater

Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Wait, is the pirate queen a witch too? 🤔 It seems she cooperates with some witches at least.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

No she is not.
But there is / was one small clan off sand people from the south that worked for her.
The south region is a inhospitable desert, and so witches are worshiped for theire ability to make everybodies life easyer as the church cant be asked to live down there.
That is why she has a handfull of them, but only one or two at most.

There is little food and water in the south, so the people constantly fight over the limited food and water down there and thus they make excellent warriors.
She promissed them a plot of land in the center area of the kingdom to grow food on if they fought for her.

She never planned on paying them at all tho.
She used the soliders off the sand people to test the pills so not alot of them are left, only the high ranking once and the leaders who did not eat the pills.
And now the few who are left dont have any other options then to follow her in hopes of getting paid.
On the other hand there is whole rivers of oil down there that they found out can be used for explosives and stuff.
This is one of a few resons why Roland later on reclaims the region.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
Remember that was more or less the reveal of the berserk pill, before the true effect is known (some of Garcia's people also took it)

Considering what she is like in the Dream World, I think that she would've kept her words to the sand people if she won.

Roland eventually fulfill that promise when he turn his attention to south

That said
It's a little saddening that for all her character potential, Garcia is always a secondary character.

In real world she suffer massive losses from the berserk pill (note that she no longer use them)
And after causing trouble for the church, she basically get killed off for the reveal of a new big bad.

Dream World was already secondary to the real world, and in that one she's basically the justice girl next door, losing in relevance to even the loli big bad that killed her in real world...
Sep 11, 2019
but that's all garcia is? i thought she didn't really foresight that much in the beginning either.. she just happen to love the ocean n is pretty good at leading the naval ships.. if i didn't remember wrong she mentioned it herself that she's just lucky when the replaced king announced the game of thrones thing no? she's just a pretty good for the native mortals of that world n that's it. it would be more strange if she won vs zero or the church, sure she got some help from couple tribes of the sand ppl n have navy fleets but that isn't enough in land battles/war especially against the church. she's struggling even vs timothy. she's alluring n attractive but that's about it imo, her potential isn't in the leagues of the top dogs

inside dream world tho, that's her real personality most likely.. i like that part of her too including her games of throne mode. still tho i stand by what i think abt her chara potential vs mc, tilly, alot of the witches, the church n not to mention the enemies(2 other races).. she's just not on the same level
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

Yeah she was a cool character who i was disappointed did not stay relevant longer.
Garcia had alot of potential, but she was sidelined by the story.

The funny part is, she might have actually joined Roland if she lived long enouth.
She unlike the other brothers would have been smart to realise she could not win after he took over king´s city, and not unnecessarily prideful to refuse working with him.
Sure she might have tried stabbing him in the back eventually, but she would likely have joined him considering her pragmatic personality.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 28, 2018
608 this a new manga only witch by Garcia? i dont remember her at all in the novel

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