ReLIFE - Vol. 11 Ch. 168 - Coming (Drop)Out

Mar 16, 2020
This is one of the most heartbreaking parts of the manga.
To think of those that didn't just give up, but worked so hard and still got knocked down by others. Enduring all the pain and keeping a brave face until they finally cracked.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2018
"My brother went to this University, got a job and for some reasons that have nothing to do with university he became a NEET, so I don't want to go to this uni cause I will repeat his failure" yeah, nice logic out there lol. And seems like his brother even more dumb than Ohga himself. Author please, It's all so cringe worthy, I don't even know. This is getting so ridiculous and annoying but I kinda start to looking forward to what other even more idiotic and unbelievable "serious situations" mangaka will come up with
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
There's only one sensible comment I'm seeing in this section and it ain't Cookwhatever.
Apr 4, 2019
Does this really happen, cause wherever you go people will hate you treat you badly tbh if he worked hard in everything and still topped the charts he should have continuted to work or atleast found a new job or better sued them for Shit ton of money, many more options I feel like than becoming a neet but this was realistic in the beginning lmao
Jun 30, 2020
The reason I think he turned into a neet would be due to the fact that he got scared of the people judging him and being unreasonable with him even though he might have topped charts and all that

like for eg Why do u think popular tv personalities and all that commit suicide even though they are popular...
Jan 20, 2018
The corporate world is full of narcissistic cunts. Just look at the orange rapist in the White House, who constantly blames anyone and everyone for his own failures, while completely embellishing his own "achievements", given his absolutely abysmal business record.
Double-page supporter
Apr 23, 2020
I get it now.
CookieMonster is that kind of person who thinks people with depression are just trying to get attention, among other things.
Makes sense that this kind of people won't think much of the parts of the manga that deals with human feelings, which are complex by standard.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 19, 2019
Yup, just as I predicted. It takes real strength to work through life's hardships, but being strong doesn't make you invulnerable to ostracising. Everyone needs a supporting hand to get through that.

It saddens me just how insensitive people here are. It's this kind of attitude that causes a lot of the problems shown in this manga. Ironic, really.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 19, 2019
@Zavphkuiel it's a fallacy to think that being able to relate, or sharing some of the same hardships, puts one in a position to judge another. Everyone's life is hard in different ways, and everyone's got a different set of strengths and weaknesses. And no one's experiences are exactly the same. For some people just maintaining a conversation takes as much effort as running a marathon. For others leadership skills come naturally, but they suck at even simple math. Tactile learners often struggle with the traditional learning system, but if they are lucky enough to find a good teacher, they can thrive. Some people find a way to cope themselves, some people find it with the help of others, and some don't find it at all, and that's not necessarily their fault. Maybe what they need is just not there to find - everyone needs something different to function. We know too little about Ohga's brother to know exactly what tripped him over, and why he couldn't recover. Maybe he simply hit his limit. Did you experience gaslighting as an adult? It can really break people, even if they managed to cope with bullying as a child.

Also, consider this: in your case, what enabled you to get through everything? Did you just wake up one day and decide to let go of all the hate, shame and regret? I bet something or someone helped you find your way. Or many somethings and someones. That's the moral of this whole manga, and I find that Ohga's brother provides a good focal point for that argument.

But anyway, this is a story after all, and it doesn't attempt to be 100% realistic. There are indeed some exaggerations and the drama does seem a bit forced at times. Especially this whole forbidden love thing. But attacking Ohga's brother character is unwarranted. Maybe the author should've developed his character more, but for all we know, his trauma is perfectly plausible.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2018
Some of the comments in here are the f*king reason why society is pretty much sh*t. You guys basically have the same mindset as the one who harassed Ohga's brother. Like you say, oh why the heck is he struggling, he could have done this and that and it would have been fine. Well how about you f*king think society isn't that simple. You guys basically treat them as robots and they don't have minds of their own, like just because you're smart that he can do anything. Did you even guys read Hishiro's past and why she's a NEET? He's being harassed, his moral is basically decreasing and his mental state is getting worse. This is exactly why people find it hard to get out of a bullying situation.
Everyone has a limit, everyone can only handle so much and society put this high expectation on him. He's being harassed for basically existing and because their assumptions and not even bothering to understand him like you f*king b*stards.
He lives in a one parent household, his father went through depression since he found out he was beating cheated on, he's the only person who was able to financially support his family and he has to keep up his grades, to add to that, he has a little brother to take care of AND become a role model to. He's been holding this responsibility for his whole life, it's quite amazing that he held on this long and finally broke down. Especially if you don't have any friends to consult about, you're bound to break. Not everyone can be like, oh well their opinions don't matter and just move on. Like Hishiro did exactly that because she didn't listen to others and look where it got her.
Seriously once again, please reread this manga. There are things that exaggerate a bit but it's here to teach you these things That society can be this cruel. Just because you haven't experienced it yourself doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Stop being so f*king ignorant in other words and have an open mind. Please everyone struggles one way or another, no one, absolutely no one's life is perfect.
But that's exactly why this manga teaches you, someone needs someone to live, no one can live alone. Just one person is fine, but someone needs a person to rely on, to be able to trust, to be able to let down all your walls and can talk about anything to them. We all need someone like that in life since without that person, your life will on go downhill. It takes time to build trust with people and it can be difficult, but that's what makes it more rewarding when you truly find that person.
Active member
Jul 2, 2020
Seriously he couldn't talk to Karui about this? Man Ohga is denser than a rock, love him but he's dumb.
Mar 19, 2020
i cant tell why cookiemonster is still reading this manga, if they're not enjoying the themes about the deep dark themes
Apr 10, 2020
I don't think it's a good reason, I was expecting some more genuine reason or you could some more convincing reason I'm dissappointed with this reason

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