Remarried Empress - Ch. 44

Active member
Mar 11, 2018
hilariously, i agree with everything besides Navier. Navier literally did what she could to be diplomatic. She had no idea things would get this bad, after all why would she, trash-husband has apparently been supportive and respectful so far - every action she did was in line of what an empress should do - not a woman that was scorned in love. You could see trash-sov tried to push her into the role of the villainess for trashta, same as trashta, both in society and in private.
Image is everything in politics, and Navier only ever wanted to be a proper Empress. She didn't let them ruin her role and her image, worked against them and against his dis-respect as she could, see the discussion over lending sov the special ring for trashta. It's just, as an Empress, there's a limit to what she can do within the traditions and not ruining her image by being petty. That's the reality in this webcomic, and personally, I adore that she's a proper empress acting like one.

The only thing that surprised me was the super expensive gift she presented in this chapter. Would have expected something more moderate and fitting, but it is a sword, so it might be a message in itself? super curious about that one, actually.
Nov 2, 2019
There is one think that keeps bothering me. We all know trashta is pregnant.
Later we will know that emperor can't have kids. So whose baby does trasha have now? Or she isn't pregnat and it's a lie?
Nov 2, 2019
@likklnisa its not as satisfying moment like I whished it was (i meand the divorce in novel) it was around 85-100chap i dont remember
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2019
rashta may have a sad backstory, but who doesn't and it doesn't change the fact that she is aware of what shes doing (when she smirks after she does evil shit) and portrays herself as the victim while continuously trampling over the empress' feelings. she still feels that shes the victim though, which is another problem
Dec 8, 2019
Lets all say it together :"your backstory /past doesen't excuse your shit <3!"
Apr 15, 2020
I think Rashta, deepdown is a good woman, it's just that she is an airhead, doesn't know much about society, is somewhat uneducated, and is a kid in mind. An uneducated woman seeing a just birthed kid as "small"(if her kid really is alive), probably comparing it to a week old/month old baby, might think of it as dead as it is too small. Her backstory added to her dumbfuckery can lead to many misunderstandings. Note: i forgot Rashta's origin, what i just remember was she is a slave
Mar 28, 2020
Thanks for your hard work 🥰 always looking forward to new episodes and memes xD

I'm with you on that. Your backstory can excuse you to a certain point. Yes she's a dumb dumb and easily manipulated, yet the facts are that she didn't think twice before throwing sh*t to the duchess spreading rumours about her lovers and almost getting a man killed, just to make her own rumours die off. She is a pure selfish trash!
Dec 4, 2019
I like how Our Empress gave Trashta a decorative sword, so the kid will just need to sit idly,adorned, pampered with jewelries etc etc (just like her(?) i guess)
Mar 28, 2020
@Calaena @Agirlhasnoname
I'm so confused rn
I thought the empress was the one that was infertile due to the cookies the trashbag emperor gave her as kids.

So now the emperor is infertile too and Trashta cheated on him with her ex and got pregnant?
And that kid actually has potential of becoming crown prince/princess xD
Apr 6, 2020
Hey there !
I went to check the manhwa/novel timing, latest chapter (this one) seems to be chapter 49 in the novel (the pretty sword is gifted to Rashta).
The divorce (not the announcement, but the actual act (+surprise remarriage for soviebeech and trashta)) happens at the novel's chapter 83.

After the divorce act, this story just goes stonks 😂I'll love to see how people who did not read the novel will react.

NB : Latest novel chapter (as of today 02.11.2020) is n°210 🤡
May 25, 2020
@Solosura Cookie incident spoilers:
It was ASSUMED that the empress was infertile, but it's actually
the emperor.
When they were children the Dowager Empress (Sovieshu's mother) was trying to poison a concubine, and was also starving Navier so she would be a delicate bride for her son. Sovieshu felt bad, swiped the cookies he found in his mother's possesion (the poisoned infertility ones) and shared them with Navier which she ate because she was starving (BOTH ate them.)

When Sovieshu's mother found out that the cookies were missing she started raising hell and he didn't admit that they ate them because he was afraid of them getting in trouble (and that the Dowager Empress would refuse to take Navier as a daughter in law because now she was infertile and therefore "useless," but he actually wanted to marry her at the time), so neither of them were properly tested for infertility. He kept the effects of the cookie a secret that whole time.

When they married and Navier wasn't getting pregnant but Rashta was he assumed it must have been Navier that was infertile and not him. But it's later found out that
that's not true. Navier ends up having babies later, and he was being cuckolded by Rashta and that child was not his.

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