Rengoku no Karma

Oct 24, 2020
@AA_hon trust me on this one! life gets harder as you age, the stuff you study gets tougher and tougher, the job you work at will not be easy either... if you arent able to cope up with the pressure surrounding the studies you are gonna pursue then drop it and do something easier like commerce...well recently i too have been having doubts of my future.. if i were to say, i might be a genius since im really good at the things i love to do but i disregard everything else😂 thats why my maths is strong af (99%ile) while my chem and phy were untouched😭 a master of procrastinating. anyways when i thought of my future i felt weird. getting a job out of a decent uni then a decent job then a decent wife then 2 decent children and then die decently(well all this might be a luxury to others but not to me)😔 i dont wanna live decently, i wanna do everything i can and make it to the top (thats what i thought). having a decent life with no changes is like like eating a hamburger for the rest of your life, even though you loved it at first, soon youll hate it! well if you dont have anything to look forward to then just look forward to reading new mangas! buying lns etc who needs a girlfriend, all you need is money bruh so start earning it. you could also live for money (well technically i wanna earn more money to be free from it). well if you still dont have a goal then how about making one? like buying a lambo or something like that or travelling to new place? btw you should try out cooking! its super fun and relaxing, the sounding of chopping stuff, stir frying and the result you get after finishing it😋 once youre good at it then youll love it more! start with an omlette since thats how i did it too. sunny side up->normal omlette-> omlette with veggies(diner styled omlettes)-> french omlette-> souffle omlette-> and finally omurice
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2023
Wow this is just... Wow. I cannot even begin to explain how retarded this is. Jesus christ imagine writing this and thinking "oh yeah thats real good, deep shit right here!" fucks sake
Jun 22, 2019
Nah wtf, the story kinda sucks after 1/3 of the chapters. I usually can tolerate the bad aspect of low rating manga but this one is just bad.
Jul 4, 2023
This author doesn't know shit about how much a person must suffer to override their SI (Survival Instinct)
and be able to commit suicide. He's also just putting all the blame on the person who killed themselves, as if a person wants to die. No one wants to die, a person is pushed into that position. Also, wtf is that ass character development? I blame all the bullies, but that bitch was the reason for the bullying, so why tf is the author trying to make you feel bad for her? She deserves that treatment, and the bullies who actually physically hurt him deserve worse. So, overall, ass dad, ass friend, ass girls, ass classmates, ass everything. The classmates were part of the problem, so where tf do they get the balls to act as if they don't literally stand around and laugh at the bullying. I would give a 1/10, but the idea was actually good, it was just done horribly.
Jul 8, 2023
I somewhat liked the first part but I dunno why they switched who we were following. I liked the whole grow past your own sorrow to protect the people you still love, whilst also (sometimes) acknowledging it wasn’t so wrong for you either. Through his own determination he saved six, and a seventh. Would’ve liked him to not completely forgive the bully girl, cuz ya know she’s a fucking dick, but also move on from hating her and instead use the time to appreciate the people he knows.
..though the main bully deserved whatever horrible fate.
then uhh, the first part end? I choose not to read the second part with the new mc cause, it throws me off. It feels like they restarted the whole thing to sell another book or somethin. I wasn’t ready to be sent back to the beginning of the whole suicide save thing.
Aug 13, 2023
The story is fine. Life is messy. There are plenty of people in real life that do wrong for no logical reason.
The fact that commenters here can't show empathy or sympathy or forgiveness for anyone that has done wrong shows their own flaws and issues.
How much punishment does one need to atone for an action? Infinite suffering? The first mc being able to forgive the girl that started his bullying makes him a better person than most of us here.

If everyone showed a little more kindness to those suffering, even those that have done wrong in the past, the world would be a must better place.
Those that hate this manga and hate these ideas have low emotional depth, no better than a middle schooler.

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