@Wexmajor >Using wikipedia as a source for firearms knowledge.
>using wikipedia as scientific sources
>using a study that is 100 years old unironically
>actually running to wikipedia and google to disprove someone
>t. brainlet who cant do basic physics that are common knowledge
Now let me disprove you, lets say he is firing a 5.56×45mm 4gr bullet with a ~800m/s. Is going to go max 3 km up. terminal velocity at the ground is about 200 m/s and kinetic energy is ~180-200J . That is comprable to getting hit by a baseball or a small rock at high(human speeds). (http://wredlich.com/ny/2013/01/projectiles-muzzle-energy-stopping-power/ I even included a website describing this in simple Joe terms for your convenience.) Don't forget the videos they really show the same kinetic energy of the bullet in our case hitting a guy. It might only penetrate the skin and only that.
Now lets go back to the manga. I never argued about a curved trajectory fired bullet doing no gamage of course it will. The thing I argued about was the almost 90 degress verical shots that fucking pierce her whole hand and obliterate rocks when free falling. At most she would maybe get a scratch or big bruise that would knock her arm away from the sword or whatever she was reaching for.
Taking an exaggerated comment this comment lol 5/10 made me reply.