
Group Leader
Sep 13, 2018
@Natillax last week was off because the week before that was a double issue of Weekly Shounen Magazine (where this series is serialized)
Jan 12, 2019
I'm constantly impressed that a romance manga can go over 14 volumes and have no progress happen and still have no characters with any real level of depth. Something about it must be good to me because I keep reading it but I have no idea what it is. Probably Sumi.
May 4, 2019
Imma be honest I usually don’t shit on wish fulfillment stuff but this is the saddest wish fullfillemnt ever. Like I felt pathetic just by reading this.

Fuck this is so bad, everyone here sucks, there’s no character here that you want to root for and the circumstances is so fucking forced.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
"So, if your looking for a romantic comedy manga about two very flawed characters trying to improve themselves, then chances are you'll enjoying reading this."
This isn't a unique premise, and it's pretty obvious.
The problem is the execution.

General story idea makes sense but it's the way the story meanders through character drama and progression that's annoying. This is nothing like fantastic romantic comedies like Re-Life, Amagami, Kaguya-sama and whatnot.

Protag is an insecure cuck and after he's had 10s of chapters of "growth" he reverts back into chapter 1 MC whenever the author feels like it. None of the confidence he builds up throughout the series matters because it never lasts.

Heroine is a bipolar asshole. She has no grounding as a character. The only thing that really makes her interesting is that she's attractive and she's willing to do such a weird job. Author makes her sweet some chapters, but cold and manipulative "in the same circumstances" the next. How she treats him around his friends is aweful as well.

Quite possibly one of the worst romantic interests I've seen. The art is good so she's cute, and it's easy to empathise with her family and past, but looking at her actions and how she treats other people I wouldn't want to go anywhere near that.


Quite possibly one of the worst male protags on the planet too... I guess they kinda deserve each other in that regard hunh. Like he's shit. Prone to lie, doesn't reflect on anything and reverts any progress he makes personality wise in 5 chapters or less.

Like... if you like pointless drama you'd probably like this. The art's good, and the characters are shit so the drama can get juicy. Just be prepared to spend the vast majority of your time disliking all the characters in every panel.
Nov 12, 2018
MC is not as bad as Makoto from School Days but for fucks sake, what the hell you piece of shit. 6.77 is 6 too high for a manga like this whose only redeaming quality is art, relatively to what's around.
Sep 6, 2019
Yeah, this is absolutely disgusting. It is a great demonstration how sick and twisted Japan has gone. It is like normal human relationships have become alien to them.
Dec 10, 2019
I don't know why people hate this manga so much, but still read it.
I personally like this manga because it's plot is progressing quite realistic (very classic novel like) step by step and there is no miracle change for MC showing him that so manga like transformation or funding perfect solution each time- he is shy guy with no dreams always going with the flow of the crowd, but he is changing slowly. Same for FMC where she won't just fall for MC because "reasons" and she focusing on her dreams and hard situation at most. Also author makes good job with keeping timelines right even from start dates are used often and relations between them are kept in story spot on. It's something that most manga can't make right and lose it with time skipping e.g would be Seo Kouji series where he tries to make it in one universe, but timelines are one big mess even in relation of single series.

It definitely isn't manga for everyone- for sure it isn't like to show it to everyone and say "hey check it out" , because how slow it's and at same time it's something different. But also it isn't something bad and even if you don't like it you should realize that it haves it cons and pros.
We all have different preferences to there isn't really reason to go over it every week new release if you don't like it.
Dex-chan lover
May 4, 2018
@MrF0x bruh....its a HAREM romcom meant for wishful fulfillment, not some highly acclaimed novel with deep storytelling. 😂its like describing one of the typical isekai 'tales of new age exploration'. Putting lipstick on a pig still makes it a pig.😆
Dec 10, 2019
Seriously, cutting entire comment to just "Putting lipstick on a pig still makes it a pig." with bunch of random emoji. I never told it's like highly acclaimed novel as I was talking about narration and plot progression. Also harem theme here has secondary part at best if not even less meaningful. But it doesn't seem that you even tried to read comment not to even say with comprehension, but whatever...

If you don't like it that much and think it's so bad, I wonder why you even bother to read it and comment on it- seems like quite paradox.
Dex-chan lover
May 4, 2018
@MrF0x I can understand why its popular and people like it but i dont get folks like you who want to make it seem more than it is lol.

I like DBZ a lot but i wont make it out to be anything more than a shounen fans wet dream by making it out to be some deep riveting story about a mans journey to being the strongest while protecting his friends and family. Its just a story with a lot of yelling and beating up bad guys. Fun and enjoyable? Yes, but thats all there is. Same goes for even the recently popular Solo-leveling, its just wishful fulfillment like this harem romcom.😆

Your insistence on treating your partaking of this manga like you're a wine connoisseur is amusing tho.😂

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