
Apr 29, 2020
Who's that girl sitting with Nagomi-san, I've had feeling i know her before but can't remember it
May 23, 2019
I'm 30 chapters in, does the main character get any better? I think the story is fine and literally every other character is pretty good, but the main character is so whiny and immature about every little thing that happens, and is generally unlikeable (to me).

If there's progression of how he acts then I don't mind, but can someone advise me before I sink 100+ more chapters of time commitment in? Thanks!
Feb 5, 2020
I am going to try to keep it less spoiler as possible.
He gets better but slowly with his character development but he might make some moves which contradicts his thoughts for a chapters back a few. He starts to mature a bit by bit but i just want you to know this series is a slow burner so the development won't hit every chapter for the main character because this series is about self-realisation.
Jun 13, 2020
@samueljg This is one of the most frustrating reads ever. Check out for proper reviews. I come back once in a while, just because I invested too many hours in this slow burn manga and just want it to end, even if the FMC and MC do not end up together. At this point, I just don't care; I just want closure. Just remember that it has a 2nd season anime coming next summer; so based on past behaviour, it will not progress much until then.
The MC and FMC still have not confessed to each other after 160+ chapters.
Be forewarned!


Jun 25, 2018
I done... Seriously last 20-30 chapter i was reading only out of habit and to check how its end... But looking this guy -after all this time zero character development, still fapping in his dirty room.
After all cringe and simpfiesta i dont care about ending anymore.
ps. I feel bad for main FL that she dont go ntr route with that handsome guy from ch124
Sep 26, 2020
I'm out boys. I love the manga but I think I'm dropping this manga until it's complete.

The logical conclusion after the last arc would be that they start dating imo and so far it just feels like things are just so drawn out.

Idk what Kazuya has to do to actually confess to Chizuru and her reciprocate it but this ain't it. After the last 2 chapters and 2 months of waiting for the last arc to complete it feels like they're no closer to being together. Chizaru acknowledges she likes him to some extent but she isn't saying anything. She's been a well written and interesting character but at this point the manga is too frustrating to continue.

I've never seen a character simp so hard for another character (a fake girlfriend) and still keep his real fake girlfriend, Ruka... And the fact it feels like it's going no where. It's become very unsatisfying for me personally.

What's this dude have to do to get the girl? At this point I'm embarrassed for this colossal shit stain mc that goes above and beyond for this girl and doesn't realize she likes him to some extent??? Like, Chizaru would have to be using him 100% to take advantage of all the amazing things he's done for her without actually caring for him. He's either at zero confidence or diagnosable as retarded to not see that.

I've been so happy with this story and have been a huge advocate for the manga this far but fuck this... Drawing things out beyond their logical conclusion, stupid misunderstandings, and characters that have zero communication skills outside of a rare monologue that feels like they're getting somewhere only to have the characters backtrack the next issue.

If the Kazuya really loved Chizaru he'd stiff arm Ruka the second he saw her and break up with her. He wants better, she deserves better, and this whole rant sounds completely unhinged and silly but I can't help but feel the series is being prolonged because sales are doing well. Maybe instead the author could actually end the story (no one wants that) or actually have them officially date and explore that... That would be breath life into the story and explore new territory
Oct 18, 2020

"If the Kazuya really loved Chizaru he'd stiff arm Ruka the second he saw her and break up with her"

Because that's what you've done in this situation?
Oct 18, 2020
I'm seriously tired of weebs, incels and Asexuals saying Kazuya needs to do this and say that...
(i can tell who you are by how violent your responses are. Like damn, do you wonder why you are alone?)

When in the hell have you ever juggled Two S-Class babes at the same time?
Have you ever dated a top level girl like Chizuru or Ruka?
Wait...have you ever even DATED a woman?
How are you going to give advice or complain when you have never been in this situation?
Is your Ex also a ridiculously cute blonde who could have any man she wants but is fixated on you?

The Jokers here are unbelievable.

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