Seems like this stems from 5 things;
1) Saliy doesn't do that whole "Restraint" thing. She always uses the Maximum Possible Force to Guarantee Absolute Victory.
2) Saliy doesn't have a Self-Preservation Instinct and would happily destroy herself in pursuit of Point 1.
3) It's a pretty good Intimidation Tactic. Given her past on that Mountain I think it's clear that Saliy would happily Destroy Basically The Entire Planet if it meant the little cottage where she lives with her Husband and Daughter were completely safe, even if only because they were all that was left.
4) Also she's probably still just like REALLY ANGRY.
5) People aren't always completely Rational. That's kinda like the point of Fictional Stories is usually that characters Make Mistakes and that's, at least in part, where the Drama comes from.