Retired Heroes - Ch. 39 - An Ordinary Family

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 21, 2020
Apparently (according to another comment), the publisher went bankrupt. Author put this out as sequel bait to sell to other publishers, but no one has taken the bait.
Unfortunately, this might be the end...
Aggregator gang
Jun 19, 2018
It's funny to me they treat her way of thinking of non-human when to me she sounds like a reasonable person, and some of those other kid's ideals sound stupid. Being free to do as she like, be it fighting or otherwise, not caring about what some boys will think about it, etc. That shit is stupid.

All in all it seems like just a difference of values that have nothing to do with being human or otherwise.

She is Royalty from both sides of the family. Both parents educated her well and also, they're are pretty strong and trained her. No to mention she also had glimpses of the wider world. Even if she grew up in the same place, her world and the villagers world are pretty different.
But she seems to be associating the fact that despite she growing up in what she assumes is the exact same environment and turning up different from them with her demon blood.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018
Allright it was over a year anything remotely important to this chapter happen and i'm confused as fuck.

can somebody explain to me all these references couse i seem to have forgot allmost everything....

Who was the Uncle / Tanya that everybody talks about ?
Who is Shock and the girl that follows him ?
Who is the rich girl ?

I legit don´t remember anything about what is going on other then there seem to have been a time skip and Tifa grew up....
Oh and the dog that was her pet i remember too.... but other then the dog, Tifa and her family and her scammer of a teacher i don't remember anybody or anything.
i'm legit so confused right now and i don´t want to go back and re-read everything right now cause i'm preparing for a job interview...
Send help plz
Aug 24, 2018
I liked this chapter a lot, dwelling on the psychology of being different and also the opening of the daughter to the real world. She's starting to walk the steps of an adult.

I usually accepts things and ask questions later, and I just noticed, where did the brat came from? I've reread a couple chapters but can't find it. Was there a time lapse in the middle and his's the second son?
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 1, 2018
@Goldenzeal Since I just read it all for the first time its fresh in my mind.

Tanya's Uncle is Shock, one of the heroes who was known for his heavy blade who was last seen with his wife. The Ninja girl on the cover, they were pretty much inseparable and when we last saw them she asked shock if he wanted a kid.

I assume she died and this is their kid

Also the rich girl is Tanya's self-proclaimed rival who nearly god killed in the monster stampede with her.
Feb 5, 2020
Free thought lost in Spring​
The fragrant harbour fallen​
Farewell, fine heroes.​
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2020
I just feel weird I cant assimilate what happened around 30 pages of this chapter, why make 9 chapters tell (a lot of months because mothly post) us 5 days of vacations, responsability, runing away of bad guys and teamworking to bad guys and in some way a interesting adventure with Tifa, to just fade away what happened after that, what learn Tifa about this, what she comprehend that she needs to learn to be more wise in their adventure, butt NO just skip that interesting process of grow up to make more question of what happened it just feel weird
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2019
I guess this put and end to one of the only good chinese manhua uh?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2020
According to mangaupdate Tencent is the publisher, and that scourge of state-funded shady chinese company most certainly won't go under any time soo ....( because they are needed to brainwash their citiziens and spy on the world)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 28, 2018
Wow a super-rushed ending and they say it's only season 1? Nah, I can feel the axe-kun is strong in this one, so prolly not gonna come back again...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2020
@Vengeance22 what are you talking about? they just finished setting up a bunch of plot points, this is not an ending but a transition chapter to the next season. This is natural for manga (or stories in general) that are separated in seasons/volumes.
Sep 12, 2018
@Yiledute The publisher got went down. Author rushed out this open-ended last chapter in the hopes that a next season would be produced. It's been a year already, lol.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
Oh , boy the axe was strong on this one. Too bad, so much potential :/

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