Pretty disappointed in the time skip. It was far too huge far too fast (I would have loved to have seen what them being pregnant again could have stirred up and reactions) and from the sounds of it the series is in the air right now due to some other shit. Hopefully, the series does manage to continue, but if it does I REALLY need to the author to start again and pick up right after chapter 38. I feel cheated reading this. I missed so much of Tifa growing up, Shay’s birth (that’s a HUGE deal; not something you just skip over. I needed to see how everyone reacted, how the family got along with a new super powered baby, etc), and so much character development. If basically nothing changed and she just got stronger, I’d be fine with it, but it seems a a shit ton happened in those ten years. I would much rather get here at chapter 100 than 39. Even the story from 38 hasn’t been wrapped up as much as I feel it should have. So much just got skipped over I don’t know if I would want to continue reading this (if it still skips over all that and goes straight to 10yrs later) even if it were to be able to continue with a season 2 somehow. I’m not reading this for the demon vs angel/politics and discrimination and prejudice; I’m reading it for the family dynamic, character development, to see characters interact and grow, etc. Everything else is just extra to give me action when I want it and provide conflict for the main cast. Even for a season 2 10yrs later is just weird and skips over way too much of everything I love in this series. 2 or 3 yrs later and ending on the mom being pregnant? Okay that’s sane and I’m still sad to have missed so much of their lives, but I’ll deal. 10 freaking yrs? WTF?! And that end just made it so much worse. Some of these characters I barely knew and now they’re getting married and never showing up again or possibly dead and will never make another appearance (and most of the side characters have not had THAT much development, usage, or depth to begin with). If you’re worried the series is gonna get cancelled, but you can’t finish it in time just leave it. It would have been better if this was just a relaxed chapter after the last arc wrapped up. It’s not like this huge time skip even wraps anything up. It only leaves more questions and makes for a worse cliffhanger. It kinda sets up the next conflict, but I don’t expect that to come anytime soon even in season 2. I feel like the author got dealt a bad hand AND THEN decided to go all in AND somehow got even worse cards.