Rettou Gan no Tensei Majutsushi ~ Shiitagerareta Moto Yuusha wa Mirai no Sekai o Yoyuu de Ikinuku ~ - Vol. 5 Ch. 35

Aggregator gang
Mar 23, 2019
Lilith: HOrn dog

MC thought process:
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2019
The only problem I have with this is the plot moving so slow...
It Is already 35 chapters(almost 3 years) in, yet we are just barely entering the first big arc.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 26, 2018
"i didnt want to be seen using this magic"
he says as he proceeds to teach it to some random kid
Aggregator gang
Apr 25, 2020
If the translator decides to do any editing...

If Anti-Magic Organization = AMO, Then what is “AMO organization”?

That bubble could just as easily work by ending with “... AMO.” And not need “organization” after it, since it’s repeating now.

Nit pick, for sure.
Active member
Aug 7, 2018
Is the "no reaction to her advances" thing supposed to be cool or something? The panel where he was total stone face with crossed arms and everything while she pushed her boobs in his face was so fucking cringe it hurt. I was almost literally on the floor laughing. This manga is so I'm-12-and-this-is-badass it's fucking hilarious. I bet this author has a good shot at becoming a wizard.

Or they're a fucking genius who knows exactly what their target audience will fall for.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
I mean, of course the author of the book of resurrection magic would defy death and lives on to this day.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
I don't get it. They had that one sex scene early on, then they don't have any since, instead just implying that it happens. There's even been very little ecchi stuff like boobs. Did the editor tell the artist not to go too far or something?
Active member
Dec 23, 2018
@varler _ you know how some shows pilot with explicit material and then never revisit it ever again?
I think something like that happened here - that the mangaka does not want explicit scenes, but was obligated to put it in at least once or twice.
So now that its over with - they avoid it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
> Lilith: "Please praise me more"
I know what she really means.
You should be ready to be attacked MC at your room tonight...

> MC: "I know, You want to say not all demons are bad, right?"
Hmmmmmm..... Base on Lilith illustration with the demon race, it includes rabbit girls, cat girls, dog girls, fox girls, wofly girls, all nekomimi's girls, it might includes strikingly figuratively sexy Elves as well.
They were really bad.
Who says fluffy ones are bad and the elfs too right?

> MC: "As always, i dont understand Lilith's thought process.."
I think it was simply admiration and total love struck to you MC.
She can't really say this to you upfront, that she really wants your sons and daughters.
She will make it a dream come true by making you to fall in love with her, while she romantically do this and that to you with her honest feeling.
Basically, she wants to make a family out of you, or being lovey dovey.

"She's catching all of those missed opportunities to you within 200 years"

She was basically take aggressive romantic actions to get you into her as a lovey dovey couple, without anything to regret

> The scene with Noel, i think MC choose the right decision to test whether she can consume the thoughts of self reincarnation.
If people will learn the technique, nobles will flock them to use for them to continue ruling with indefinite life and time like the elves.
Even MC can control the stupidity of other. For now, let something like this enjoy after 200 years of sleeping of MC...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 14, 2019

Well you'll be happy to know that
the boobs comes back in the latest chapter
, so look forward to that I guess.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
@Varler An editor-san who would actually tell his charge to tone down the boobage in a shounen manga?!?! I would say it's more like

Editor-san: (slams table and spills instant coffee all over) WHY AREN'T YOU DRAWING MORE BOOBS

Author-kun: dun wanna


Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019

I think its mostly a problem with the art style. This isn't one of the best drawn Isekais out there. Proportions and perspectives seem odd at times, everyone looks lanky and childish, it feels like there's very few facial expressions.

I suppose it goes with the juvenile story, but any attempts at sexiness really come off as cringey to me.

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