gloin120 Member Joined May 7, 2019 Messages 26 Nov 7, 2020 #2 LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~~~!!!! (first XD)
ngoctnq Fed-Kun's army Joined Nov 4, 2018 Messages 92 Nov 7, 2020 #4 @TheGodEmperor fr did the author just force cram it in to meet the fanservice quota because that is sooooo bad
@TheGodEmperor fr did the author just force cram it in to meet the fanservice quota because that is sooooo bad
quagzlor Supporter Joined Jun 10, 2019 Messages 1,190 Nov 7, 2020 #5 Wow, you can really see the emotion on Abel. ...jesus, why even have the scene if he's so deadpan
0neDragon Dex-chan lover Joined Nov 24, 2018 Messages 525 Nov 7, 2020 #6 this was totaly unexpected, like I knew that she liked him but I never thougth it would be this kind of like
this was totaly unexpected, like I knew that she liked him but I never thougth it would be this kind of like
H Huyhuy Joined Jul 20, 2019 Messages 21 Nov 7, 2020 #7 Would this count as Abel having sex with his daughter?
G Genoshock Member Joined Jan 26, 2019 Messages 426 Nov 7, 2020 #8 next chapter - all the girls were outside the door watching this go on, the blossoming of their womanhood
next chapter - all the girls were outside the door watching this go on, the blossoming of their womanhood
Koji Joined Jan 30, 2018 Messages 80 Nov 7, 2020 #9 @OneDragon that already happened in one of the first chapters though
gortz Contributor Joined Jan 24, 2018 Messages 108 Nov 7, 2020 #10 I havent seen black censor bars as an option to censor something in a while
dextersTomato Dex-chan lover Joined Mar 28, 2020 Messages 2,716 Nov 7, 2020 #14 My son down there also gets excited... I hope my son dont cry continously on the incoming beach episode
My son down there also gets excited... I hope my son dont cry continously on the incoming beach episode
F feha Dex-chan lover Joined Jan 2, 2019 Messages 5,207 Nov 7, 2020 #15 A: 'Is there anything else I can do to help?' B: 'No' A: 'understood' B: 'also, I want you to help me with a favor' me (and probably also A in her mind): 'wat?!?'
A: 'Is there anything else I can do to help?' B: 'No' A: 'understood' B: 'also, I want you to help me with a favor' me (and probably also A in her mind): 'wat?!?'
D Diamona Supporter Joined Oct 28, 2018 Messages 1,305 Nov 7, 2020 #17 Still a better sex scene than Ride to Hell: Redemption
Flashplayer0CD Dex-chan lover Joined Sep 16, 2018 Messages 1,125 Nov 7, 2020 #18 @Diamona Id rather have hitler come back than fucking watch a Ride To Hell sex scene. Holy shit that games jarring to watch
@Diamona Id rather have hitler come back than fucking watch a Ride To Hell sex scene. Holy shit that games jarring to watch
M MezMez Member Joined Jul 20, 2019 Messages 86 Nov 7, 2020 #19 BASED Abel gettin' all the pussy You guys are just mad he's not the average virgin protag lmao
P parkourse Dex-chan lover Joined Jan 9, 2020 Messages 2,429 Nov 7, 2020 #20 Somehow i laugh at the phrase "Abel-kun and friends". I don't know why, and I don't want to know why. Also, comment #2 (or 3? I'm not sure.) about the raws. What happened to the quality?
Somehow i laugh at the phrase "Abel-kun and friends". I don't know why, and I don't want to know why. Also, comment #2 (or 3? I'm not sure.) about the raws. What happened to the quality?