Honestly, the pacing just seems so off. The artist never draws anything but frames where people talk, making it look unfinished, skipping everything in between.
Everyone in this webtoon seems insane
Yeah it's a great idea to place my daughter who I very much love on an uninhabited island with a stranger by drugging her and publically faking her marriage.
Drugging her.
On an uninhabited island.
Yes what could go wrong
Navy receives code from general from a shabby ship and doesn't bother checking it before deciding it must be a spy and proceeds to fucking bomb the whole damn ship.
Yes who cares about the slight chance that it could actually be the general let's just BOMB THE FUCKING SHIP
I love this couple so much. The angst the bickering the being great at team work in bad situations even if they argue.. just lovely lmao and it’s like one bad thing after another, just wait they’ll become unstoppable and get revenge on everyone together! thank you so much for the chapters!!
I think it should be pointed out that first chapter says she's a slut and there's been enough hint there has been encounter between these 2 when they were small