She's a spoiled Woman, and i love how she's well portrait in this!
I saw the raws, and until the last out chapter, she's not evil, just spoiled, so I'm good with her for now, let's see what they become!
This is too funny, fresh and i love it!
So, should the ship name be BitchAss or BitcHole or AssBitch? Need ideas here, fellas.
This is just a whole Harlequin gone wrong book lmao. I love it. (May they not have a baby till they fix their attitudes.) Thank you for translating!
She's cute. I would typically get mad at such a character but for some reason I just find her endearingly funny? It's odd.
Maybe it's the panels and the way the interactions are handled that make me laugh instead of getting frustrated. I wouldn't take these characters that seriously, just enjoy it for what it is.
Also, calling it now, she was the little girl he met when younger. Too stupid obvious a trope. And I really hope to see whoever forced them to marry/be alone on an island, even if it is their friends/family, will get punished for it. No matter how horrible they might be, really messed up to do that.