Revival Man

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
For those interested, the English scans are 46 chapters (excluding the extra chapters, I think they're 4 or 5) away from finishing the whole series.
Jan 31, 2018
Just gonna say the MC (and pretty much everyone else ) *is* dumb. But I love him. So there.

...And I'm probably going to check out Terror Man as a result.

Read what you love, friends. Life sucks enough.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 28, 2019
Just came back to check how this is doing and just found out
it's from the same author as Terror Man (another series I haven't read in a long time) and that he's intertwining the two stories.
Time to catch up I guess.
Sep 6, 2020
Uh... I don't know what to say... I say making a prequel after the main series is pretty bad enough, resulting in many unanswered questions (and possibly plotholes), but now that TM and RM are sharing the same universe, my mind is pretty much dysfunctional right now.
1. In chapter 27-28 RM MC died I guess... I'm guessing this is where he first has his power activated? But then in the first ep of the main series, he doesn't even know about it
2. RM MC... in the main series it was shown that he isn't really experienced so you'd think he has that normal high school life but no finds out his past isn't that ordinary. So basically... we're not having character development? Is this... devolution? At this point I can only think that he gets amnesia but... no, he still remembers Bruce Lee (I'm bad with names and just started picking this up again I'm sorry) and I don't think he has any serious injuries either
3. Let's get to TM MC, the one with... a story that's a little troublesome to fathom. In TM universe there's this policeman and reporter. Did they die? How about the Russian girl? Why can't the news go past the policemen?
(For the rest imma just copy paste from my comment in ch 22. Pls enlighten me)
He was famous in Terror Man verse, even got into news, was chased by cops and even by the serpent, it's such a wonder how he escaped from their grasps. It's as if he was living in a different world and then ta-da a portal appeared. Also, he underwent through trainings with the Russian girl (I forgot the name) and yeah he's basically OP. Supposedly. Also I thought RM MC actually has a grandfather who took care of him after his parents died but here they mentioned the MC becomes an orphan after his father died.... Wtf is going on?! Also I think TM MC's hair is pink not white unless he dyed it again
In TM universe it was shown that the policemen were actually related to the Serpent organization but there's this 1 police who stood up and helped TM MC in the end (with 1 reporter too). Taking into account that the story sets years after the incidents in TM and his personality, why hasn't he taken an action against these serpent-related cases? I thought he is on justice's side?
The case in the TM was closed with the deeds being directed to the Russian girl, but is that how it ends? I'm pretty sure that's not the case
Also the head of police department who's related to the Serpent... He remains the head for years? No way in hell.
But even if that's the case... Assuming that serpent no longer exists after the prequel ends (cuz they didn't mention it anymore): How the fuq did they manage to beat such a large organization then? I mean, the TM MC's squad is in many ways larger than RM MC's squad.
And even if it still exists, then why are there no Serpent members in the main series? I mean, with such a huge influence, I bet there are many members roaming around. Unless TM MC's squad works to destroy them, but it's impossible the media will stay silent
Sep 6, 2020
I'd been following the series for years and I like the series but unless my confusion gets cleared, I just can't help getting mixed feelings about this series. Rating is a rating
Aug 14, 2019
god this mc is so damn retarded and all he ever does is make things worse because he NEVER LEARNS GODDAMN, I FEEL LIKE I'M READING ABOUT A RETARDED DEMENTIA PATIENT HERE RATHER THAN "REVIVAL MAN"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@D0g3-salad if you really think about it, you don't need working brain cells in order to revive, see zombies. lol

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