Roaming the End of the World with my Shiba Inu - Vol. 2 Ch. 26

Mar 29, 2018
One chapter left (the special chapter) until the end of the volume. The author of this series regularly posts new chapters on his twitter @K5dbZRmjNe77i5r (along with cute pictures of his pets) but I only translate the volume releases so it will be a while before volume 3 comes out.

Also there has been some dialogue fixed in Chapter 12 and the title of Chapter 15.5 has been changed to reflect the upcoming special chapter.

The fact about 70% of giraffes being gay might be true but the percentage varies a lot among different herds. Looking online I found articles saying 94% of giraffes, and some saying only about 20% of giraffes.
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2018
useless trivia. Even though giraffe neck is almost 15 times longer than human neck, both giraffe and human have the same number of neck bone.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
The fact about Giraffes fighting with their necks was something I already knew. It looks pretty funny to see. XD

I did not not the fact about them being gay though.

(Damn master is cute covering herself on page 3)
Active member
Jan 22, 2018
@chatnoirchatgris Holy shit you said last chapter "only one chapter & special remaining" I thought it's legit the end, but turns out even mangaupdates still say it's ongoing and you actually meant the end of the volume.

I'm happy that turned out to be a misunderstanding on my part...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Minor nitpicks, author-san.

Giraffe necks got longer because those with longer necks could reach to higher areas of the trees, leading to them being more well-fed and having more fed offspring, which also got longer neck genes, and they had even better reach to the tall trees... etc etc for generations upon generations.

Also, 70% of giraffes aren't "gay" but rather majority of sex among the species is male to male. Doesn't really mean majority of giraffes are gay, just very... open minded and horny.
Dec 24, 2018
I think I've seen three proposed hypotheses proposed for the giraffes to have long necks. The generally accepted advantage over smaller herbivores, a controversial one about males getting stronger necks to compete against other male competition (this is apparently controversial because female giraffes have longer necks and/or their necks grow faster than males) and one that I'm not sure was serious, but facilitated the ability to travel through rivers while keep their heads above water.

First one's the most reasonable, I think, although the last one strikes me as fairly humorous.
Mar 29, 2018
@Abedeus I had a mini essay written for the end page about what does it mean to be gay and whether an animal can be gay or just engage in homosexual activities but I thought it was a bit of a heavy topic for a slice of life comedy manga discussion.

And I had another mini essay written about the importance of fact checking interesting facts before sharing them, and what causes facts to become skewed when shared.
Mar 29, 2018
@Dragei I watched a panel show a few years ago (QI) where they heavily supported the second hypothesis. The first hypothesis they said doesn't seem right because giraffes usually have to lean down to eat leaves in a tree.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018

I mean, it's mostly that while many animals are gay, just having male on male sex doesn't mean they find that butthole attractive.

Just that some straight animals are really, really horny even when no female mate is present. And let's be honest, other than some primates not many animals know the concept of masturbation.

Also - even if they have to lean down to eat leaves, their offspring has easier time eating from those trees once they grow up a bit. And they can still reach the highest of trees without leaning down to eat the leaves.
Dec 24, 2018

QI's pretty great, although you do have to remember that it's primarily entertainment in addition to educational. You may have also watched a segment where Stephen Fry talked about the "half-life of facts," as what is considered a fact now may not necessarily remain a fact 5 or 10 years from now as its foundation is revised to new information.

Case in point, giraffes - as far as I remember - are said to branch off from the same family as the okapi, a short-necked mammal that's typically called the zebra or forest giraffe. And as far as I can tell, no-one has yet to find fossil record of transitional species that precedes the modern giraffe. So we don't know whether it was a spontaneous mutation, or a gradual one. There might be evidence to suggest it started branching off during a period of droughts, where severe competition would be disastrous.

If anything, that they have some inconveniences from their long neck is just further evidence that evolution is a messy process that's more likely to get things wrong in the process of being right. Case in point, when our distant ancestors stopped being a tree-climbing species, our lower hands gradually became feet. But, we can trace all of our common foot problems to this very process, because evolution stopped working on our feet the moment it felt it was "good enough." Functionally, our feet still to this day has components that you're likely to find in hands, like the ability to flex forward to an extent (which is completely un-needed, and leads to some of the worst cramps ever) and a few other bits and bobs that are functionally useless, but more moving parts for things to go wrong.

That said, I have no intention of changing your mind. As long as they're merely hypotheses, it doesn't matter what we think or feel is more correct until more/new information comes in that definitively makes it clear one way or another which is right. I think it's because of food, because that's important for survival. But I can definitely see the argument why it'd be for procreation, since that too is important for the survival of the species as a whole.

I still think the head-above-water hypothesis is charming/funny, though. I will literally bust my gut laughing if that ever becomes the official theory.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
That Fujo Collie annoys me in the same way real-life Fujoshi do. Really hope she won't appear much in the future while there are much more interesting characters that the mangaka can have them appear again.

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