Ugh, the most overused manga villain trope... "YOU'VE TURNED AGAINST US!" or "YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS!" after the MC defends themselves against a surprise attack.
Two ways this goes. Either the bad guys, look up and go oh shit then bug out, or they are too stupid to know they aren't the main characters and are doomed.
for the love of god why did the anime not follow the original script this is so much better than having his wifus save him all the time with this he can acualy do something and it feals like caricter growth
@19abuchanan totally agreed watched the anime when i was younger and the manga's tone is so much better in my opinion, the anime was good stupid fun but this feels like a story
Ugh, the most overused manga villain trope... "YOU'VE TURNED AGAINST US!" or "YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS!" after the MC defends themselves against a surprise attack.
This 'trope' is mostly a problem with being a difficult to translate concept. It is more akin to 'You've just made us angrier' or 'You've just given us an excuse to go all out' rather than them actually being angry at them for defending themselves. Sort like saying they should've just taken their beating this time but because they didn't they'll kill them instead due to proving they are a danger to their plans.
Not justifying the villains obviously lol, they are clearly still evil and in the wrong. But the logic isn't quite as moronic as it seems.