Rosen Garten Saga - Vol. 10 Ch. 58 - Fetal Movement ~Reinkarnation~

Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
Why did the wish manifest when Sieg hasn't died yet? Or did Lynn only came into form the night of Sieg's death and then it implanted all the false memories in the villagers.

Also Sieg really went ahead and took Brunhild's first time even after fighting for her to be with his friend, what a guy. :meguu:
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
Bro... the title of the manga is "Rosen Garten Saga" and you know what the name of the tournament is? It's Rosen Garten.

You really do have a mind of a goldfish. Your memory and literacy is way below the charts. I keep seeing you comment on a lot of manga complaining mundane stuff and people keep on piling on you for being wrong.
and clearly you didn’t read what I said, because I clearly stated that I stopped at chapter 35.

Maybe stop throwing shade at me personally, and actually read my comments before getting angry and talking about attention spans. And here’s a more important thing. If you don’t like my comment, you can just move on instead of trying to do personal attacks. I mean I can go through your comment history if you’d like, and make fun of all your comments too?

Would you like? No, you wouldn’t because that would be an asshole move by an asshole who is just trying to be mean and bully people.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
Although if so, the twisting of the curse seems to be missing (since being perceived as an uggo seemed to be part of the wish, not the tradeoff.
The trade off is her admiration and desire to get noticed by her sister turned into a weird 'I belong to her' type obsession.

And her desire of being reborn was twisted into making a new version of herself.
Mar 22, 2019
Wait… seriously? Seriously??????? I had to check, the tourney arc started chapter 21 and we on 58. The story stagnated THAT MUCH???? You can’t be serious. I got somewhere around 35 before I got bored and that was like a year and a half ago.

Yikes. well, guess that’s a good time to drop it. But I seriously kept trying to get back into it. I just was waiting for the stupid fighting to be over so the adventure could continue… jokes on me… it never continued yikes
Are you stupid? The tournament is the title. The tournament IS the story. It‘s what it says on the box.
Maybe you‘d enjoy it more if you paid a bit more attention.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2023
and clearly you didn’t read what I said, because I clearly stated that I stopped at chapter 35.

Maybe stop throwing shade at me personally, and actually read my comments before getting angry and talking about attention spans. And here’s a more important thing. If you don’t like my comment, you can just move on instead of trying to do personal attacks. I mean I can go through your comment history if you’d like, and make fun of all your comments too?

Would you like? No, you wouldn’t because that would be an asshole move by an asshole who is just trying to be mean and bully people.
Blud skips half the chapters, doesn't understand shit and then complains. Mf can't hand like a dozen characters.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
Thats it? This insanely specific wish of the princess to be reborn is the entire mystery behind lynn? She isnt even a real person?


Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Wait… seriously? Seriously??????? I had to check, the tourney arc started chapter 21 and we on 58. The story stagnated THAT MUCH????
Technically, the "tourney arc" started in the second chapter with the invitation to it. After that a few chapters were spent gathering up the team, then the qualifier events, and so on. This particular chapter is, as stated on the first page, a break during the second match. The last couple chapters were just the first fight of the second match of the second round of the tournament, it still has quite a way to go before it ends.
The whole manga is named for the tournament, it isn't that it's stagnated in the tournament but rather that the tournament is the whole focus in the first place.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
Technically, the "tourney arc" started in the second chapter with the invitation to it. After that a few chapters were spent gathering up the team, then the qualifier events, and so on. This particular chapter is, as stated on the first page, a break during the second match. The last couple chapters were just the first fight of the second match of the second round of the tournament, it still has quite a way to go before it ends.
The whole manga is named for the tournament, it isn't that it's stagnated in the tournament but rather that the tournament is the whole focus in the first place.
This is a crazy concept I know, but i based my opinion of the series and what was to come based on the first 20 issues of the series, also the series had a different name on Manga Dex back then too, some romanji version of the jp title so how the fuck would anyone know that? You are being so pedantic
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
This is a crazy concept I know, but i based my opinion of the series and what was to come based on the first 20 issues of the series, also the series had a different name on Manga Dex back then too, some romanji version of the jp title so how the fuck would anyone know that? You are being so pedantic
This has, quite literally, always been "Rosen Garten Saga". Maybe you're mixing this up with Record of Ragnarok, which does have a few different names, and is similarly "historical and legendary figures in a tournament the manga" just not turbo horny like this one.
Even if you hadn't mixed them up, by chapter 20 of this we were still in the qualifiers. How had your opinion on this by that point not been "oh, the tournament's the whole thing so they're taking their time with each part of it"?
Active member
Jun 19, 2018
While I enjoyed the early parts of the manga, I thought the manga got much, much better once the other tournament participants began showing up and the tournament started.
Group Leader
Jul 5, 2019
Wonder if Gawain will be the one to break her curse of being perceived as ugly, since in folklore he marries a woman with the same curse and by being such a respectable husband she’s able to assume her extremely beautiful true form permanently.

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