official japanese version :
chapter 's name : 原石 ~Einlauf~
原石 = rough , unpolished gemstone; (figurative) unpolished talent .
Einlauf = (medicine) enema (injection of fluid into the hole)
here are my rough translations , maybe they are not corrected 100 % . and i use the pages 's numbers of the official japanese version . page 1 and 2 are introduction pages for the characters :
page 4 :
- audience : ... arthur-chin transformed ? is it an image-change ? ...
page 7 :
- P-head : ... Probably , Arthur-chin asked : what if "the Possibility of meeting Morgiana and learning science" ...
page 9 :
idol arthur in the previous chapter used the pronoun "boku" .
punk arthur in this chapter uses the pronoun "ore" .
then arthur hands form a kanchou /
カンチョー / a prank is performed by clasping the hands together so the index fingers are pointing out and attempting to insert them into someone's hole when the victim is not looking.
then arthur takes the virginity of the hole number 2 of ali-babe , lol .
the original idiom is : 良 藥 苦 口 = good medicine leaves a bad taste in the mouth .
but punk arthur makes a pun and switches the idiom to : 良 藥 尻 苦 = good medicine leaves a bad taste in the "hole" , lol .
page 14 : i guess arthur is stuffing the $excalibur sword back inside his/her 4-dimensional p@nties , just like the 4-dimensional pocket of doraemon .
page 15 :
- arthur : this match is boku 's loss .
page 16 :
- arthur : ... idol boku was simply helpless ... , referee-san ...
page 18 : then arthur and ali-babe are fighting to decide who get the lose . this sounds backwards , lol .
page 20 :
- long-hair old man is having a galaxy brain-storming ( and i dont even remember his real name , lol ) : ... Tentacles Play , Public Kiss , @n@l development / exploitation . even after causing such scandals , what is this popularity ...
after this draw match , maybe they will choose this solution : the 2 teams will join together and form a new team with the 3 most strongest members to fight the next round : arthur , and ali-babe , and kay or aladdin .
page 23 :
- attila the simp : ... I want to try transforming/producing someone into an idol too ...
- mulan : I'm too cool , too manly , so i can not be an idol ! crap . If he do something like that, he'll find out that im actually a girl !!
- attila : i choose you , Ryuedegēru-chan / リュエデゲールちゃん ( in history , i dont know who the hell is this )
page 26 :
- fat girl / boy : ... but my shape looks like a pig-san ...
- attila : what are you saying ... , That is also one of your charm . You should proudly puff up your chest ...
- fat girl / boy : ... king-sama ...
maybe queen-consort will fight mulan or the fat girl / boy , because queen-consort is weak to the pretty boy attila .
the team of attila has lower chance to win , because the team of queen-consort has plot-armor :
the queen-consort 's 3 members has unfinished businesses with the 5 members of the team of rin , so they will fight in the next round .