yeaIs that straight up dragon pussy
It's a tournament manga, while there are stuff going behind the scene. The fights are a huge part of what makes this what it is.As cool and epic as these side character fights look, I wonder if they will have any relevance to the main plot of uncovering the mystery of the main protag girl's identity blocking curse.
They are awesome fights yeah but this all feels like flashy fillers.
The madman! They snuck in two panels of it! They really are trying to see what they get away with, huh?
I said that many times myself, yet every new chapter keep blindsiding the remaining sane brain cells.I have long stopped trying to understand this manga. I'm just here to see what this mangaka's deranged mind conjures for art in each chapter.
Dang. . . . I want to share that too
Which page?
9 and 14Which page?