@jak The husband treating Minori in a degrading, borderline abusive manner makes me hesitant to call this "cheating." The guy has already thrown the integrity of the relationship out the window.
Actually yes, that exactly what it means. There's no relationship to cheat on. Just an abusive asshole and his victim. Child is especially irrelevant in this situation. If anything it makes the way he treats her a thousand times worse.
@Babydel nah its that usually in western culture you got the bridesmaid who goes with the bride and manages all her shit including wedding dress and groomsmen go with groom so if you got no friends then yea you got no choice but to go with one another and help pick the outfits
It's still a superstition not to see the brides dress until the actual day and generally appears to be what most brides want regardless, where here it appeared that she should be with the groom.
The "Run away" of the title will happen when ?
And if the do "Run away" will she keep the baby or throw it away ? The way she talk about her pregnancy isn't really lovely. I'm pretty he force her to be pregnant.