S-Kyuu Boukensha ga Ayumu Michi: Tsuihou Sareta Shounen wa Shin no Nouryoku 'Buki Master' de Sekai Saikyou ni Itaru - Ch. 2.2

Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021
"Edgy" lost all meaning long, long ago, I'd say at least 10ish years ago. It's used so broadly for anything remotely "un-wholesome" that it's become useless as a descriptor. Basically a catch-all term for any interaction or way of being that is any degree of uncomfortable or atypical, no matter how small. Wears black/dark clothing? Edgy. Not smiling/happy all the time? Edgy. Isn't a punching bag and sticks up for themselves? Edgy. Revenge or just desserts? Edgy. Any violence at all? Edgy. Flashy movements/attacks? Edgy.
It's beyond silly.
The Tick - -What is he, 15? -Miss Lint, this is Edgelord. - iFunny
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2024
mc is 2 years on a emo phase hahahaha i really don't like character like this because they look 14 year old for me, human are social creatures if you are adult you know that sometimes you need to work with someone you don't like

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