Seina closed her eyes, prepared for the pain, and, fearing death, urinated again. This time it wasn't just urine; it was something else she urinated into.
But──……the pain doesn't come.
Slowly, open your eyes.
What I saw there was──……shining silver hair.
"…………What are you planning?"
Haise's voice.
Standing before Seina was Sasha, fourth-ranked S-class adventurer.Silver ValkyrieBrunhilde
Sasha held her sword up like a shield and protected Seina from the Desert Eagle's bullets.
"I have no idea what happened. But... I can't let this child die now."
Saying that, Sasha stood in front of Haise.
Haise still had his gun pointed at him, and Sasha still had her sword ready.
"... Do you know that this is ' '?"Forty Great ThievesAlibaba
"I know. But she is also a senior member of the " ". Haise, I don't know what happened between you and " ", but if you kill this child, " " will come out."Silver StarSilver VesperiaForty Great ThievesAlibabaSilver StarSilver Vesperia
"So what happened? I'll tell you... These guys are trying to kidnap and eat Simoun."
Sasha wavered. But... the next moment, Ur appeared, wrapped Seina in a robe, and stored her in her item box.
"Sorry, ' '... I can't let you kill this child. You don't want to upset Eclipse, who is second in rank, do you?"Darkness incarnateDarkstalker
"I'll hand this child over to 『 』. For now, I'll just put her in an item box for extremely rare creatures."Silver StarSilver Vesperia
"…………You guys"
Haise aimed his Desert Eagle at Ur.
"Which is better, making me angry, or making some guy called Eclipse angry? I'll tell you."