This chapter was just as bad as the last chapter. I sure as hell wouldn't want my name listed as the proofreader or quality checker on this shit because whoever did either: does not actually speak English, didn't actually do their job, or just didn't give a shit.
If it's the first, then it's probably time to find someone who actually does. For the second, what's the point of pretending? And for the last, if you don't want to do it, then find something else to do and get someone who will actually do the job. I really hate criticizing translators because I know I can't do it. However, if you are going to do these projects, at least make them fucking readable. Translating is the hard part. Making mistakes when translating is understandable. Putting together coherent sentences is the easy part. If you can't do the hard part perfectly, then you sure as hell better get the easy stuff right.
KS, you need to do better.