First page, just wanted to confirm; did the king of Qatar say "Anatolia conquering Jalbara" or "Jalbara conquering Anatolia"? Cause isn't Haruka from Qatar? I don't think the king of Qatar would want the country his daughter's in, and one Qatar has a military alliance with, to be conquered.
Pg 10, Mishe and Kallum's shared bubbles look a little odd.
Pg 16, Mishe's bubble on the bottom right isn't fit into the bubble properly
Pg 17, bottom left panel: Isn't Kallum speaking there? I'm guessing it's probably Kallum saying "If I could go out as the prince" rather than "If I could go out like the prince"?
Pg 20, Morigiana's small text outside of the bubble has been left untranslated (I get that it could be hard to redo that part tho)