Sachiiro no One Room - Vol. 6 Ch. 37

Active member
Jun 9, 2019
"She has no reason to trust someone from the world of officialdom. His relationship with those authorities is a bit odd, but still. Third, the mere fact that he's making really big promises is a strike against him--everyone she's ever met who has talked big about how good they will be to her has been lying with evil intentions.
(In actual fact I think his intentions are good, but he's so in love with seeming clever that it undermines his attempts to seem like his intentions are good)"

well said. Sachi has major trust issues,as can be expected. She doesn't even full trust Mister,and continues to view the detectives as a likely threat.

There is also the fact that she has become attached to Mister, though she probably does not recognize this. He was the one who saved her when she wanted to end everything,that too twice, and that is not something you can easily forget

But she can be quite rational, and probably understands that this method has less risks for her,if it is successful
May 26, 2018
Detective-kun to Sachi:

Active member
May 5, 2018
I'm assuming his arc is going to make Sachi realise she's in love with mister or something.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Damn 10000 IQ Oji-san with his checkmate.. Kinda expected him to go legal and reveal the abuse but taking custody, damn he really wants to save her..

Reading the comment below, it would make much more sense for her to go with Mask Boi since he have cared for her which brings more points to him unlike Oji-san where she just met him and she still doubts him....
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
I actually have a feeling detective boy is trying to get her to acknowledge the existence of feelings, by pushing her into a situation where she has to acknowledge that if it's just about rationality she would pick detective boy . . . but she can't, and so it must be because of her feelings about mask-kun.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Kitsunebi Do you need to explain why you didn't go to the police in Japan? The Japanese police is so incompetent it seems like it would be the best to avoid them if you can help it. Surely they do know it themselves. A bigger danger might be any breach of contract with the parents. I have no idea how the private detective business works.
Group Leader
Feb 2, 2018
@Kaarme I would assume normally not. But then did mention Matsubase was a former police chief and that they specifically asked him to assist them on Sachi's case so maybe he broke some kind of protocol. Though to be honest, I don't see a reason why it can't be pardoned given the situation.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Kitsunebi The way I see it (with my limited knowledge) is that if he doesn't report the whole thing to the police, he can't be pardoned the breach of contract with the parents. However, if he does go to the police, the police will automatically want to arrest Mr. Mask, no questions asked, because that's what the Japanese police do. Of course the police would, probably, also do their part to make sure Sachi isn't returned to the abusive parents, although whether the parents would receive any kind of legal trouble for their deeds is another question.

If the case is made public with the police, I imagine Matsubase would be pardoned the breach because it would be unreasonable to have private detectives unknowingly accept a task where they are assisting a crime and then leave them no way out of it. Still, there's one possibility in this whole shady business: If Matsubase tells the parents he found Sachi but also learned Sachi is a victim of domestic violence, it might be possible for him to basically talk the parents into dropping the contract on their end in exchange for not making the case public. Tastes a bit like blackmailing, of course.
Apr 10, 2018
Can she choose both "me" and "mask" then head to that harem ending everyone have always wanted?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2019
"There's no one out there that truly cares about me!"

I care about you, Sacchi! I'd help you if I could, but you're only 2D! :(
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2019
One eyed Detective too good for this manga. Not that the manga is not good. Its just that I would gladly read a manga based on his character, about his life and his future adventures. Him being the mc of his own manga, I would not minds reading that.
Author if you are reading this consider.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 17, 2024
If mc is old then he should adopt her tbh, instead of the detective
May 31, 2023
Nice, finally someone to wake her up. Not that I particularly like the option he's suggested but the current status quo just seems like a big downward spiral for everyone involved.
Yes, Sacchi is no longer directly threatened by neither her parents, other students nor the teacher but this running and hiding of a couple who both need professional help currently isn't healthy for either of them too...

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