Saeki-san wa Nemutteru - Vol. 5 Ch. 49.3 - Bonus Chapters Part 3

Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I think I had a lucid dream once, or just a weird dream. Basically, I was crossing a bridge and fell through a whole, then I teleported to the start of the bridge and actually felt my feet touching the ground with force, but I didn't wake up. (Or maybe I did and inmediately fall asleep?)
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2018
I lucid dreamed once when I had a nightmare as a child. I was trying to escape from some hellish landscape, constantly being pursued and attacked by all kinds of monsters. I must have been so scared that I partially woke up, because I became aware that I was dreaming and that I could control the dream... so I went ham on the monsters by conjuring up all sorts of weapons, opening up with a turret-mounted Vulcan. Didn't manage to dream lucidly ever since then.

However I managed to break my sleep paralysis in a different nightmare. I was being attacked and beaten up by somebody, but I could not move at all to defend myself. It was like all my limbs were fixed in place, and I struggled and struggled and finally, in probably the strongest left swinger I ever threw my arm came lose. Felt like it was being fired from a slingshot. Except I threw that punch in real life, too, not just in the dream, and punched the wall next to my bed so hard that I ripped the skin over my knuckles open and had a proper sprain that hurt for two weeks and hindered my hand movement.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2019
Damn, okay, she must have something without question if the parents had to actively work to keep them awake.
Dec 14, 2018
I'm sure most of us know about suya suya from a certain princess
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2019
The amount of bonus chapters were getting makes me wonder why the author didn't just add another volume to the series 😅
Group Leader
Nov 8, 2019
@Narf That first lucid dream sounds a lot like one that I had where some thugs shot me. I felt myself about to wake up, but instead I pulled myself back in, reconstituted my dream body, and started whaling on them. Also ouch, hurting your hand like that sounds painful, and like something of a facepalm moment xD.

@Pnutz Maoujou de Oyasumi? A great series indeed, if so. Unfortunately I've fallen way behind on the manga and haven't even started on the anime yet, but I'm sure they're both doing great.

@gregger By the sound of it, the publisher limited them to this number of volumes. The amount of bonus chapters just goes to show that the writer and illustrator weren't quite done with all the ideas they had for the series, haha.
Aug 15, 2020
I only 'lucid dream' for a certain recurring nightmare (which i havent had in ages i almost miss it now) but I usually dont manage to do much about the thing in the nightmare happening, even if some things like my actions and i force the setting to change

but only one more chapter >< i might delay reading it
i didnt know how strongly i felt for this series
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2020
Saeki-san have the most character development off-screen. She learned to walk without sleeping halfway through 😂
Feb 6, 2018
I always lucid dream. It's a bit annoying at this point, so I tend to just... follow whatever is happening in the dream instead of trying to change it
Oct 9, 2018

Most people only REM sleep a very small portion of our total sleep. IMO, there's really no reason to avoid lucid dreaming to get deeper sleep in most cases.

Lucid and vivid dreams can be a bit emotionally draining, but I find they enrich my life more than they hurt it.

Some people like @Anrhaa lucid dream too much, and I've run into people like that. From what I've seen, most lifelong lucid dreamers take the "go with the flow" approach to lucidity.

Personally, I like to mix it up. Something something spice of life. Then again, I've only been lucid dreaming a few years.
Group Leader
Nov 8, 2019
@infiniteinterface Haha, understandable, but I think I still lean toward the left button. Though like I said in the end page, if my lucid dreaming were more like being Neo in The Matrix, I'd probably be more okay with it. Also, nice Akane and Kenny profile pic, I love Flying Witch.
Oct 9, 2018

I'm surprised. From the page end, it sounds like you have more control than you give yourself credit for. Most people can't re-immerse themselves in the dream it unless they're well practiced. I'm sure with a bit of confidence you can really transform the dream scape, or at least use powers within the given dream narrative.

My dream control history is somewhat checkered, but when I'm feeling confident it really is the 'Neo in the Matrix' experience. I've actually sparred with Neo in a lucid dream, and I tried to have him jack me in to learn kung fu. It didn't work sadly, but it was worth a shot. Agent Smith and Morpheus have also made cameos in a few of my dreams as well.

Fortunately, I've had a lot of time to work on control since I'm a NEET who sleeps 12 hours a day. I had a period where I really struggled with converting nightmares into fun dreams, but my recent lucid dreams have been really good. Even in rough scenarios, I can usually fly away and enjoy that for a few minutes. I still enjoy regular dreams though. Sometimes the dream narratives are really cool, and it's nice waking up after being totally convinced of some fantastic reality(rather than having known it was a dream)

Flying Witch is in my top 10. I love magic because of all the stuff I do in lucid dreams, and FW is just so comfy. I hope someday we get another season of the anime.

On that comfy note, thanks for working on this series; I really enjoyed it! Scanlators like you are the MVPs that keep this site going!
Group Leader
Nov 8, 2019
@infiniteinterface If I practiced, that might be possible, but I'm too lazy, even when I'm dreaming (or maybe especially when I'm dreaming) xD. Being like Neo does sound cool, but as you allude to, there's sort of more escapism in not realizing it is a dream while you're in it. All in all I haven't had a particularly strong desire to try to have more lucid dreams that I have more control in. I appreciate hearing your thoughts about it, of course, they were quite interesting!

I agree regarding Flying Witch; I would love to see it get at least another season.

Lastly, thanks for the encouragement. While scanlators may be necessary to keep the site going, seeing people enjoying the various series we work on is what keeps many of us going, I think.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 14, 2020
im confused tho... when the story started she told Tokimiya she started with the sleeping addiction because of her dad as she always joined him for huge naps. This whole sleeping baby part seems out of nowhere.

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