Saenai Riman to Yankee Joshi Kousei - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2020
@Tatherwood bro ur just arguing about the labels? holy shit who gives a fuck nigga? ages of consent don't really matter in the first place cuz Japan's age of consent is 12 anyways 😂 so does it mean that if he fucks a 12 year old he's not a pedo cuz of AGE OF CONSENT?? like nigga, this aint an argument of laws or none of the research bullshit ur doing, this is about morals bro. Idek why ur so pressed abt the label, are YOU a pedo or are YOU sexually attracted to another girl under 18 whilst being over 18. Idk man, you have some sort of weird hard-to-understand passion for this shit, goddamn.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
Well, since the moment that classmate was introduced this was to be expected. Not the smartest move to have a man accompany you home when you just had a misunderstanding with the man you like, tho. Its only inviting more misunderstandings.

@DatBoiLight @Tatherwood
Just asking but, do you know what the age of consent actually means? Because reading you i feel like there is some kind of misunderstanding in your knowledge xD
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2020
@Tearsax Been a minute, but looking back at my replies I sound like a total asshole; however, I think it's still justified. For me, I think Tather sees age of consent with a more lawful eye which automatically justifies everything, but I see shit like this with a more emotional/question of morality side. I truly think that any chick still going to school especially high school should not be a target by dudes like him. I still think the dude is a pedo and the chick is a victim cuz the dude initiated it first, but if it was the other way around? then yea, i'd totally see it differently.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
@Tearsax Not sure if you're saying that to him, me or both. Age of consent means "age at which you are legally considered mature enough to understand the consequences of sex and can consent to it". As in, if age of consent is 16 and a 22yo has sex with a 15yo, it's considered "statutory rape", even if it's consensual.
At least that's the general definition I know of. I'm sure a legal textbook would be more in-depth, but...

@DatBoiLight Well, I don't wanna resurrect the discussion either.
See, thing I didn't mention is that words are important to me. I'm a language teacher and a translator. Words have meaning, especific meaning, and it's how we communicate. The world has enough misunderstandings even when people use the RIGHT words. So people using the WRONG words just rubs me the wrong way.
I never once said the guy is not a creep, or that the relationship is not wrong, or immoral, or whatever. Now, personally I may or may not agree with you on that topic, but that wasn't the point of the discussion.
The point was you calling the dude a pedophile which, again, he's not. Pedophile is a VERY especific word. And it doesn't apply to him. If nothing else, if he was a pedophile, he'd be in jail. Cause it's, you know, illegal. But since he's not, and it's "only" immoral, all he gets are weird looks from people like you.
And if you ask me, being in jail and not being in jail are very different situations...

To put it in perspective. Would you call a woman who kills her would-be rapist or abusive husband in self-defense a "murderer"? Cause you shouldn't. She most definitely kill someone, and some people will insult her for that (cause fuck self-defense and fuck the victim, I guess; criminals have more rights). But she is not a murderer.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
@DatBoiLight @Tatherwood
Yeah, exactly as Tather says, the age of consent is used to determine statutary rape. It means that having sex with someone below that age is gonna be considered rape even if the victim consented to have sex. But is ok to have sex with someone above the age of consent? Well, if one of them is an adult its still a no-no depending on the country. For example, in Japan the age of consent is 13 yet an adult can be in deep shit having sex with a minor, but in my country both ages (the consent and the one where an adult can have sex with a minor) are at 16.

In the end whats "legal" depends on the country. Thats something objective and opinions arent important. Then there is the "moral and ethical" part. Thats subjective and everyone can have their own opinion.

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