Saike Mata Shite mo - Vol. 13 Ch. 114 - Cistern of the Heart

Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Maybe he brainwashed them? My real question is how the fuck does he not get bored after doing the same thing for hundred of years
Active member
Aug 15, 2020
Actualy the brain can take as much memory as it wants.

And I know this is manga and is fantasy I'm jus giving a fact
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2020
Mmm it got a little better, it sounds hella stupid before, well still is, but is a good enough villain, I mean to be "bad" you just have to be a selfish, closed minded bastard and do whatever you want without thinking about anybody feelings, even if what you want is pretty stupid.

Meh like I said before, I like the art, almost all the characters are well done, and the story and fights are good enough, there are a lot of things that make no sense but that's an standard for magic-fantasy stories.

thanks for the chapter!
Apr 6, 2019
@alanala Because he hasn't been doing it that long un actual since the dude seems like he actually in like his 50's and 60's since the type of life he had before powers is actually pretty recent.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2020
I mean, it makes sense why Saike's mad as hell. Johann, for as murderous and supremacist as he is, at least has a pitiable reason why he became that way and really doesn't hold much self-interest in his goals, thinking about what to do for other Oracle holders rather than strictly himself. Saike's been on that side of the fence before. And Saike himself selfishly plays the hero to his own detriment, slowly killing himself all the time by literally and directly killing himself, but he does it with good intents even if it messed with his own sense of self and morality and pissed off people like Kuroda who had his own reasons for what he did.

This "kid" on the other hand is just a Grade-A sociopath, who caused the entirety of the plot past Saike's beginnings as a means to keep doing what he has been doing for some unspecified amount of time. All of Johann's murders that Saike had to bear witness to, both prevented and not, all of the shit that has haunted Oracle users in general, and all of the suffering for basically everyone around him happened because this one dude just wants to be a kid genius with as many infinite redos as he could possibly ever want to feel special while controlling everyone around him for infinite wealth, non-consensual sex and getting anything he wants. And all of this latest shit, just for an object to let him keep doing it.

There isn't sentimentality. There isn't pity, not even a shred of decency and respect for anyone around him. Will just straight up doesn't care about the contents of the Akashic Records, which even means the entirety of whatever it could be used for, good or bad, means absolutely nothing the entire time. Entire lives died, bled and were dedicated to something he just sees as a method to removing his consequences and then starting again, like a child pretending all of his toys killed eachother and then he throws them away to do it with the next set. Evil might be pushing it from a greater perspective since Will is basically someone that never understood how to properly grow up when he indefinitely got his way, but it outright takes an opposite effect and steaming dump over everything that composes Saike as a person.
Double-page supporter
Apr 23, 2019
I think what he's getting at is that he could be his normal self and people would appreciate it, even if the only reason is because he's in a child's body. When he brainwashes them, they are basically empty and feel nothing, but with the method he currently employs their feelings are real.
Of course it's not as good as if they thought Will was amazing for being his normal self naturally, but its the best he can do.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 15, 2019
A brain can't replace one piece of memories with another piece, yeah. Truly scientific.
And, of course, 'If you do something bad for someone else you're not evil.'
Thank God it's almost over.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I vaguely remember reading somewhere that the brain doesn't work like that in regards to storing information

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