1) Re-uploading previously translated chapters, that were fine, in mass release.
2) Re-translated chapters are objectively worse in nearly all aspects.
3) Translating a series that already had an active TL, and series was recently featured on homepage.
4) No new chapter in mass release. But refers to TL website for N+ chapters not posted on MD.
5) TL website riddled with ads.
6) Splitting latest chapter, when none of the others released so far were split. (just to get TL chapter on it's own and at the top?)
7) Part of Split chapter was full chapter in disguise.
So they are snipers looking for popular/rising manga to take over, just to divert traffic to their ad ridden website. Quality and accuracy is of no concern as long as they can get a monopoly on the TL by muscling the other TL group out. If the series loses popularity then just pick up another and repeat.
Their whole strategy is based on reader complacency and impatience, and other TL groups giving up.
I don't usually go out of my way to block TL groups, the last time I blocked a TL group was before the blip, but I blocked that group so fast I don't even remember their name!
Don't settle for hot garbage, and feed the snipers. Starve the group by Blocking them and never visit their site.
Also shout out to blu_tooth for sticking with it.