The Hero Trained by the Worst Demon King Is Unrivaled in the School of Returnees From Another World - Ch. 24

Apr 10, 2023
The goddesses could not defeat Felice, but he did. They fight him, it'd be knowing they cannot win.
He doesn't want the fight in the first place, no matter how it goes.
Yes, he returned without a [Savior Crest], but they knew that from the outset. Connecting him to that world, even using the gaps in their information, requires knowledge that only we as readers have.
The gap in information is exactly how strong he is. Remember: He's not just a little bit faster than everyone, he beat the invincible boogeyman this entire school was meant to stop in the first place. He's so strong, it doesn't make logical sense that he couldn't beat literally anything else. They don't need to know that he beat her, they just need to know that he couldn't possibly lose to anything else. So that eliminates literally any world with a weaker Demon King. Which is all of them, save the one.
If the goddess were to only ones capable of summoning then that would have to mean that Felice is a goddess and therefore capable of unlocking Kyouya's cheat powers, and if that is not the case then that means that not every hero needs to have been summoned through the goddesses
We're all clear that Felicia is the sole exception to the "summon" rule. And only one way.
the fact that Kyouya was scooped up and brought to the school also supports this, they'd have no need to scoop any returners off the streets if the goddesses were the only ones that controlled summoning. (ie, if they were going to find out, the cat was already out of the bag as soon as he returned)
The gate was set by a goddess. You're doing that thing again where you're ignoring everything the story tells you. The return trip happened courtesy of the last goddess to try defending that world, before sending the guy back. Felicia didn't send them back. This is explicitly stated in the story. Enough with your wild speculation.
Not having a [Savior Crest] can also just mean he chose not to fight the demon lord. That was explained right there in chapter 1.2, doesn't matter if the demon lord was defeated, those that didn't fight it do not get a crest.
He came back alone. There was only one person to fight in the first place. Also, she's clearly describing a scenario where someone gets summoned along others, then sits around cowering.
You're literally just showing that you aren't paying attention to the manga at this point.
"Always accuse the enemy of doing what you yourself are doing". Classic play.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
He doesn't want the fight in the first place, no matter how it goes.

The gap in information is exactly how strong he is. Remember: He's not just a little bit faster than everyone, he beat the invincible boogeyman this entire school was meant to stop in the first place. He's so strong, it doesn't make logical sense that he couldn't beat literally anything else. They don't need to know that he beat her, they just need to know that he couldn't possibly lose to anything else. So that eliminates literally any world with a weaker Demon King. Which is all of them, save the one.

We're all clear that Felicia is the sole exception to the "summon" rule. And only one way.

The gate was set by a goddess. You're doing that thing again where you're ignoring everything the story tells you. The return trip happened courtesy of the last goddess to try defending that world, before sending the guy back. Felicia didn't send them back. This is explicitly stated in the story. Enough with your wild speculation.

He came back alone. There was only one person to fight in the first place. Also, she's clearly describing a scenario where someone gets summoned along others, then sits around cowering.

"Always accuse the enemy of doing what you yourself are doing". Classic play.
Way to crop out the contradicting evidence.

I point out the goddesses would be fighting knowing they'd lose because no one intentionally starts a fight they know they would lose. They might have some secret weapon up their sleeves, but no one has any hint that such a thing exists; not us, not Felice, and certainly not Kyouya. All Kyouya knows is that the goddesses could not defeat Felice, and that he defeated what the goddesses could not, if anything he should be afraid that not showing his full power might lead the goddesses to think they could win and be flaunting his full power to scare them into submission.

The goddesses are able to drop the heroes exactly where they want them, there's no reason why they'd be dropping heroes out on the street when returning them, they would be dropping them right there in the school where there's no chance of them causing an incident. The only reason why they would need to have people retrieving returners is if they could return by means other than the goddesses, and if there are ways for them to return like that, there's ways for them to be summoned like that; ie, they have no proof Kyouya was summoned by anyone in particular, regardless of how strong he is. There is no evidence anywhere that Felice is a sole exception, except your own asserted assumption. They said that heroes are usually summoned by the goddesses, but all that usually means is that it's more than 50% of the time, it is not a statement that he is the sole exception. Heck, if you want to assert that she is an exception, Occam's Razer states it's more likely that Felice is a goddess that was made to fill the role; she's already explained that she's an artificial demon lord, and it's a less contrived explanation than her being the sole exception to an otherwise universal rule.

You chopped out that entire explanation because it's inconvenient for your assumption.

I point out that you are blatantly ignoring the manga because there are details literally everywhere showing he has no reason to be worried.

And if you want to say that I have no evidence for any of this, where's your evidence? Oh, right, you have none. All you have is Kyouya's own paranoid ravings, which is directly contradicted by Felice's attitude on the matter.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2019
He is strong enough to defeat a demon lord capable of destroying 3000+ worlds and defeating countless heroes in the process, as well as wielding a weapon that even said demon lord hesitated to use. They could not defeat him even if they tried.
Don't underestimate the advantage of raw numbers. The school seems to have hundreds, if not thousands of heroes in attendance. If the powers that be realized who Felice is, they'd sic EVERYBODY on her, all at once. Psychos and decent people alike.

In fact, that's probably what the school is FOR, and even why they're pushing the psycho-er heroes towards their darker urges. So they can use the rest of the heroes to kill each other off as they start going mad with power. Some of the decent-er ones might die before that happens, but it'll be "safer" if they kill all the heroes off sooner or later anyway, because something something Beware the Superman.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2023
man i've had enough with mc keeping the low-profile, JUST BEAT THE LIVING SH*T OUT OF THEM ! IT'S BEEN LIKE 20TH+ CHAPTERS, HOW LONG IS HE GONNA DO THIS SH*T?!!!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2023
Author doesn't even try to rationalize anything that is happening. Just speedrunning tropes.
Jun 30, 2019
Probably, and he's probably going to find out there was actually no reason for him to be holding back in the first place. So far, the story has been told from a limited omniscient point of view, but we've seen no reason why he should need to be so cautious, and plenty for why she shouldn't need to be.

  1. He destroyed Felice's root, she is no longer a demon lord, and has no connection to ever having been one
  2. He either has a cheat skill no one knows anything about (potentially, including himself), or simply has no power they could rip away from him
  3. They already know he has a talking cat named "Felice" since they brought him in, and him having a similar cat would check out with before his summoning/return (if they cared to investigate it)
  4. Other heroes have familiars or powers related to monster taming (seen in this chapter)
  5. He is strong enough to defeat a demon lord capable of destroying 3000+ worlds and defeating countless heroes in the process, as well as wielding a weapon that even said demon lord hesitated to use. They could not defeat him even if they tried.
What does he have to fear? As far as we know, nothing. I had previously asked others if I was missing anything, but all they could give was "the goddesses weren't involved his his summoning" and "he doesn't have any cheat powers" which are both non-issues (see points 2 and 5 above) based on the way an individual character understands things (those characters may have flawed knowledge, they are not omniscient), and still doesn't explain how they could make the connection. Heck, we don't even know they'd be hostile if they did find out, everyone is just assuming they would.
I did offer some explanation before, that you either missed or glossed over, but here is a more detailed explanation. At the bottom is a list of things he would potentially have to fear, that you seem to fall under the "am I missing anything" category.

Since a person's "Root" is their soul, and Felice still seems to have her soul, her root doesn't appear to be destroyed. (Though perhaps she has her "ego" and her Soul/Root were destroyed, but I think it was the "ego" of her hacked decision making that he wanted to destroy, to restore her soul to what it was.) Even in the early chapters, we see him wanting to get rid of the artificial shackles on her Root, not necessarily destroy the Root itself. It also appears that part of why she lost her powers was helping protect him from Lavanquin, which he was not ready to use at that point (as evidence by her "if I hadn't helped you in the end. We'd have both disappeared together with this world" statement, which would require her to have had some powers after he did the initial strike, in order for her to help him). What we see her say she lost was: "My powers, my shackles, my destiny, my curse." Of note, she seemed to have a Root before the "Demon Lord" shackles that gave her her "destiny" and "curse". She says she is free from her "Binding Root", but that may also mean "Root Binding" (I'm not a Japanese language expert), and seems to tie into her "shackles" being gone. So either she has a whole new Root of some sort, or her Root has been restored to something more like it was before being artificially modified.

So the goddesses might be able to recognize her base Root, and want Revenge. (But if so, they might also be able to recognize it is no longer shackled, which might lead some to deem her no longer a threat, while others still would want to kill her.) I don't consider this to be the biggest concern, however.

More to the point (and something I had mentioned to you), though, is that she is REGAINING her powers. We've been told this multiple times. We also see that, without her powers, she can't maintain humanoid form, but she does like using her humanoid form. At least some goddesses would likely recognize her humanoid form (something I hadn't mentioned before). The fact she is regaining her powers, though, means there is a connection to her past that still exists in her and is getting stronger, and could, at some point, be noticed.

Another thing I mentioned, is that they said the school is designed to recognize people like Felice, and nip them in the bud before their powers grow too strong. So if they see her humanoid form and recognize her, they would likely try to do something about it (something she says would be "worse than death"). Quite possibly, it would be to seal her away in isolation again (and her isolation might be the reason she brought somebody over to kill her, though it could be because she was worried she was about to break out and go on another rampage).

As for Kyouya's strength, we don't know if he could defeat all of the other goddesses or not. They couldn't destroy Felice, but they were capable of sealing her for some period of time (likely at least 10s of thousands of years, since 10,000 years pass in her world for each one in ours). She also, obviously, did not defeat all of them. But it may be that there was some sort of stalemate, or that they couldn't kill her faster than she could devour worlds to gain strength.

It is easier to fight when you aren't also having to protect attacks aimed at others, too. Felice is not nearly strong enough to oppose the goddesses, and she is the one he wants to protect. So, while he might eventually be able to defeat them, they might be able to kill Felice (or somebody else he ends up close to, as they know he has compassion for others). They have shown the ability to teleport people into pocket spaces (as they do for different training), so it might be possible for them to transport Felice when he is just too far away to notice in time, as just one way they could harm her. They might also be capable of sealing him and Felice away for an extended period of time.

He also doesn't want to fight them. He wants a peaceful life with Felice, and fighting with a bunch of goddesses (and never knowing when they might try to strike, so having to be constantly vigilant) would get in the way of that. Especially since they have connections with many (if not all) governments of the world (and almost certainly all of the most powerful ones).

So, what does showing his strength do, before Felice has fully recovered her powers? It causes them to pay more and more attention to him, and if they do that, they are more likely to see Felice in her humanoid form, and not just her cat form, and if even one goddess recognizes her appearance, they have trouble, regardless of if they can identify her Root or not, especially if they see that she is weak, but regaining her strength.

It is true that we don't know for sure that they would react with hostility if they knew she was no longer the mindless destroyer of worlds they once knew, but Kyouya doesn't see that as worth taking the risk. This makes a lot of since, seeing as how one of their stated goals is to "nip such a bad thing in the bud before it grows up", and that fact that she is now back to being "in the bud" as it were, and the fact that some of the goddesses definitely act in a petty, cruel, vindictive, and evil manner, means that at least some would likely show hostility. So if he wants a peaceful, normal life on earth with Felice, especially once she has the power to constantly be in humanoid form, having the goddesses pay him as little attention as possible is ideal. (Especially since another stated goal of the school is to keep an eye on heroes that have the power to destroy the world.)

What does he have to fear? Many things.
1. That if he tried to fend off all of them, they might still be able to harm an incredibly weakened Felice.
2. That the goddesses might manage to seal both Kyouya and Felice in another world, isolating them (AGAIN) for thousands of years, and preventing him from showing her a peaceful life.
3. That the goddesses have all grown stronger over time, and raised up more heroes, that might mean they now could win a fight against Kyouya and Felice. (You might say that it was only 3 years of earth time, but maybe they can travel to other worlds that also have slowed time, or can make pocket dimensions that slow time, or travel to another world that has slowed time and make a pocket dimension for slowed time on top of that. So he can't bank on them only having "3 years of growth".)
4. That even if he can win against them, and can keep from being sealed in another world, that he and Felice would have to constantly be vigilant for attacks to come, and thus it would disrupt the normal, peaceful life they are aiming for on earth.
5. That the only way to get the goddesses to leave him alone would be to destroy at least a significant portion of them, which would likely lead to conflict with multiple governments on earth, and could also put multiple other worlds at risk of destruction from Demon Lords that the goddesses are helping keep in check.
6. That even if he could win, it might mean killing heroes that honestly thought they were doing the right thing, and he doesn't want to kill "good people" (and even prefers not to kill people acting in an evil manner, like the rogue hero).
7. That there might be something more powerful than the goddesses (like whoever might have artificially changed Felice's Root) that might start paying attention if he gets into a conflict with the goddesses (or that the goddesses could contact for help, if they thought he was on their side, and didn't know he was the reason Felice went on the rampage in the first place).

The question is not about how likely these scenarios are, but if he thinks they have even some possibility of happening, if Felice is discovered. Because even if you think the odds aren't high, if he thinks they are possible at all, and would get in the way of the peaceful life he told Felice he would give her, he likely wouldn't want to take the risk if he thought he could avoid it by laying low.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2019

Dear god, I just wish MC don't be a fucking wimp ALL. THE. TIME.

I can't use my full power or people know my secret.

Tone down that bullshit, train your peer to at least able to activate her powers. Train her to be strong so you can use her as a mask if you really that worry.

Right know I am pretty sure the school is actually training child soldiers to wage war. It was mentioned that there is a leader goddess. There are few scenario I could think off:

1- the current goddess leader overthrow the previous one, the previous goddess leader was actually Felicia. Now the normal goddess plotting revenge.

2- The normal goddess was goaded to break free from current system so they can to play with their world without any restrictions.

3- These normal goddess is actually not goddess, they are demon lord that manage to conquer their world.

All 3 scenarios needed an army. What better way to recruit other than isekai hero?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Fr , like so what if they discover who Felice is, you can just beat up the goddesses if they try anything either way lol
Which would result in the entire world going after them trying to kill them. Congrats you just turned it into The Record of a Fallen Vampire by doing this one thing. Trust me when I say you shouldn’t wish the fate of the MC in that series on anyone
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
I point out the goddesses would be fighting knowing they'd lose because no one intentionally starts a fight they know they would lose.
Why are you lot so bent on turning the MC become like the MC in Record of a Fallen Vampire? In that series hundreds of years pass of people doing exactly the thing you say they wouldn’t do. They fight and fight and fight against the MC for hundreds of years resulting in numerous people dying despite them all knowing that they won’t win.

Do you have any evidence to show the people he would be turning into his enemies don’t have the power to create a weapon designed solely to kill him? We honestly know very little about the various goddesses as we’ve really only seen 3 of them. For all we know there’s a goddess that’s able to create a humanoid weapon like the one in Record and MC ends up being chased for hundreds of years by people trying to kill him.
May 27, 2019
Like, I understand 'why' he has to constantly act weak, but damn if seeing him running and fleeing, and acting weak constantly doesn't wear on me...
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
Why are you lot so bent on turning the MC become like the MC in Record of a Fallen Vampire? In that series hundreds of years pass of people doing exactly the thing you say they wouldn’t do. They fight and fight and fight against the MC for hundreds of years resulting in numerous people dying despite them all knowing that they won’t win.

Do you have any evidence to show the people he would be turning into his enemies don’t have the power to create a weapon designed solely to kill him? We honestly know very little about the various goddesses as we’ve really only seen 3 of them. For all we know there’s a goddess that’s able to create a humanoid weapon like the one in Record and MC ends up being chased for hundreds of years by people trying to kill him.
Why do you assume he would have to fight anyone? Are you the type that would see someone rip a graphene bar in half and decide to fight them with a water pistol? That's what you're suggesting would happen. And, honestly, if Kyouya keeps holding back by trying to keep everything he does hidden, it might actually come to that when they force him to show just enough strength that he's deemed a threat. If he just goes balls to the wall and demonstrates overwhelming strength that cannot possibly be opposed, no one would dare offend him for fear of being deleted from existence.
Apr 10, 2023
All Kyouya knows is that the goddesses could not defeat Felice, and that he defeated what the goddesses could not, if anything he should be afraid that not showing his full power might lead the goddesses to think they could win and be flaunting his full power to scare them into submission.
He also knows they trapped her in a pocket dimension for, barest of minimums, 30,0000 years. He's trying to live a peaceful life, not take over the world. Win or lose, establishing yourself as God of all Gods is the exact opposite of this.

The goddesses are able to drop the heroes exactly where they want them, there's no reason why they'd be dropping heroes out on the street when returning them, they would be dropping them right there in the school where there's no chance of them causing an incident.
Evidently, there's either a limitation on where exactly they can drop people, or she didn't care where the return trip took them, as long as it was a city in Japan.
There is no evidence anywhere that Felice is a sole exception, except your own asserted assumption
She's the only one that's summoned anyone besides the Goddesses.
They said that heroes are usually summoned by the goddesses, but all that usually means is that it's more than 50% of the time, it is not a statement that he is the sole exception.
Enough of your sophistry.
Heck, if you want to assert that she is an exception, Occam's Razer states it's more likely that Felice is a goddess that was made to fill the role; she's already explained that she's an artificial demon lord, and it's a less contrived explanation than her being the sole exception to an otherwise universal rule.
That's the least retarded thing you've said so far. More of that, please.
You chopped out that entire explanation because it's inconvenient for your assumption.
We have no evidence of it. Aside from the fact that she summoned someone. But the Goddesses tell us that Demon Kings can spread between worlds, so it's just as likely that once they get powerful enough, they can just do that.
And if you want to say that I have no evidence for any of this, where's your evidence? Oh, right, you have none. All you have is Kyouya's own paranoid ravings, which is directly contradicted by Felice's attitude on the matter.
Except all that other stuff I said.
Why do you assume he would have to fight anyone
Don't ignore the other guy like he's not going out of his way to answer every last one of your questions.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
I did offer some explanation before, that you either missed or glossed over, but here is a more detailed explanation. At the bottom is a list of things he would potentially have to fear, that you seem to fall under the "am I missing anything" category.

Since a person's "Root" is their soul, and Felice still seems to have her soul, her root doesn't appear to be destroyed. (Though perhaps she has her "ego" and her Soul/Root were destroyed, but I think it was the "ego" of her hacked decision making that he wanted to destroy, to restore her soul to what it was.) Even in the early chapters, we see him wanting to get rid of the artificial shackles on her Root, not necessarily destroy the Root itself. It also appears that part of why she lost her powers was helping protect him from Lavanquin, which he was not ready to use at that point (as evidence by her "if I hadn't helped you in the end. We'd have both disappeared together with this world" statement, which would require her to have had some powers after he did the initial strike, in order for her to help him). What we see her say she lost was: "My powers, my shackles, my destiny, my curse." Of note, she seemed to have a Root before the "Demon Lord" shackles that gave her her "destiny" and "curse". She says she is free from her "Binding Root", but that may also mean "Root Binding" (I'm not a Japanese language expert), and seems to tie into her "shackles" being gone. So either she has a whole new Root of some sort, or her Root has been restored to something more like it was before being artificially modified.

So the goddesses might be able to recognize her base Root, and want Revenge. (But if so, they might also be able to recognize it is no longer shackled, which might lead some to deem her no longer a threat, while others still would want to kill her.) I don't consider this to be the biggest concern, however.

More to the point (and something I had mentioned to you), though, is that she is REGAINING her powers. We've been told this multiple times. We also see that, without her powers, she can't maintain humanoid form, but she does like using her humanoid form. At least some goddesses would likely recognize her humanoid form (something I hadn't mentioned before). The fact she is regaining her powers, though, means there is a connection to her past that still exists in her and is getting stronger, and could, at some point, be noticed.

Another thing I mentioned, is that they said the school is designed to recognize people like Felice, and nip them in the bud before their powers grow too strong. So if they see her humanoid form and recognize her, they would likely try to do something about it (something she says would be "worse than death"). Quite possibly, it would be to seal her away in isolation again (and her isolation might be the reason she brought somebody over to kill her, though it could be because she was worried she was about to break out and go on another rampage).

As for Kyouya's strength, we don't know if he could defeat all of the other goddesses or not. They couldn't destroy Felice, but they were capable of sealing her for some period of time (likely at least 10s of thousands of years, since 10,000 years pass in her world for each one in ours). She also, obviously, did not defeat all of them. But it may be that there was some sort of stalemate, or that they couldn't kill her faster than she could devour worlds to gain strength.

It is easier to fight when you aren't also having to protect attacks aimed at others, too. Felice is not nearly strong enough to oppose the goddesses, and she is the one he wants to protect. So, while he might eventually be able to defeat them, they might be able to kill Felice (or somebody else he ends up close to, as they know he has compassion for others). They have shown the ability to teleport people into pocket spaces (as they do for different training), so it might be possible for them to transport Felice when he is just too far away to notice in time, as just one way they could harm her. They might also be capable of sealing him and Felice away for an extended period of time.

He also doesn't want to fight them. He wants a peaceful life with Felice, and fighting with a bunch of goddesses (and never knowing when they might try to strike, so having to be constantly vigilant) would get in the way of that. Especially since they have connections with many (if not all) governments of the world (and almost certainly all of the most powerful ones).

So, what does showing his strength do, before Felice has fully recovered her powers? It causes them to pay more and more attention to him, and if they do that, they are more likely to see Felice in her humanoid form, and not just her cat form, and if even one goddess recognizes her appearance, they have trouble, regardless of if they can identify her Root or not, especially if they see that she is weak, but regaining her strength.

It is true that we don't know for sure that they would react with hostility if they knew she was no longer the mindless destroyer of worlds they once knew, but Kyouya doesn't see that as worth taking the risk. This makes a lot of since, seeing as how one of their stated goals is to "nip such a bad thing in the bud before it grows up", and that fact that she is now back to being "in the bud" as it were, and the fact that some of the goddesses definitely act in a petty, cruel, vindictive, and evil manner, means that at least some would likely show hostility. So if he wants a peaceful, normal life on earth with Felice, especially once she has the power to constantly be in humanoid form, having the goddesses pay him as little attention as possible is ideal. (Especially since another stated goal of the school is to keep an eye on heroes that have the power to destroy the world.)

What does he have to fear? Many things.
1. That if he tried to fend off all of them, they might still be able to harm an incredibly weakened Felice.
2. That the goddesses might manage to seal both Kyouya and Felice in another world, isolating them (AGAIN) for thousands of years, and preventing him from showing her a peaceful life.
3. That the goddesses have all grown stronger over time, and raised up more heroes, that might mean they now could win a fight against Kyouya and Felice. (You might say that it was only 3 years of earth time, but maybe they can travel to other worlds that also have slowed time, or can make pocket dimensions that slow time, or travel to another world that has slowed time and make a pocket dimension for slowed time on top of that. So he can't bank on them only having "3 years of growth".)
4. That even if he can win against them, and can keep from being sealed in another world, that he and Felice would have to constantly be vigilant for attacks to come, and thus it would disrupt the normal, peaceful life they are aiming for on earth.
5. That the only way to get the goddesses to leave him alone would be to destroy at least a significant portion of them, which would likely lead to conflict with multiple governments on earth, and could also put multiple other worlds at risk of destruction from Demon Lords that the goddesses are helping keep in check.
6. That even if he could win, it might mean killing heroes that honestly thought they were doing the right thing, and he doesn't want to kill "good people" (and even prefers not to kill people acting in an evil manner, like the rogue hero).
7. That there might be something more powerful than the goddesses (like whoever might have artificially changed Felice's Root) that might start paying attention if he gets into a conflict with the goddesses (or that the goddesses could contact for help, if they thought he was on their side, and didn't know he was the reason Felice went on the rampage in the first place).

The question is not about how likely these scenarios are, but if he thinks they have even some possibility of happening, if Felice is discovered. Because even if you think the odds aren't high, if he thinks they are possible at all, and would get in the way of the peaceful life he told Felice he would give her, he likely wouldn't want to take the risk if he thought he could avoid it by laying low.
Here's something though, if all he wanted was to give Felice a happy life, all he needed to do is say "Returner? What's that?" and go home instead of choosing to go to hero school. Far from a normal life, what he's giving her is a life as the pet of the school's punching bag. And let's go over some other flaws there
1) He's worried they might injure Feline to get to him if he goes all out? Screw that, he's putting Feline in danger because because he's trying to act like some random schmuck off the street while attending a school filled with "heroes" that are just incarnations of raw violence and hatred.
2) He and Feline already effectively proved that the goddesses' seals don't mean much more than tissue paper. Feline summoned him, presumably without breaking the seal, and then they returned to Kyouya's world, again, presumably without breaking the seal.
2a)If the two did break the seal at some point, and the goddesses have any way of connecting either of them to that world, then they'd either already know because they were alerted as soon as the seal broke, or figure it out very soon regardless when they check on the seal.​
2b)if the two did not break the seal, it means the goddesses' seal is at most nothing more than a mild inconvenience to the two of them​
Aggregator gang
Jan 9, 2023
So chapter 25.1 released today so I'll get on that ASAP.

Also regarding next projects:

After School Labyrinth Adventurer - The series is already done but the previous group dropped it a year ago. So I just have to do 7 chapters to finish it off.

Purgatory Girl - A 20 Chapter long Psychological Thriller
These aren't request, but want these abandoned series potentially on your radar.

Boushoku-Hi no Ken. It's finished with 46 ch, 20 chapters already translated.

A Banished Failure Survives in the Borderland and Becomes an S-Rank Exorcist. Ongoing with 21 ch, with 6 chapters translated.

0 Magic, a High Spirit, and a Demonic Sword. Has only 2 chapters translated, and is 17 chapters behind.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
are they even trying to TEACH students to work together at all? it feels more like Battle royal than a school. "Whoops someone did die." whoever did arrange these... must be a true sadist.
Everyone likes bread and games. :aquadrink:
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2018
I have a different idea, one that is quite simple, and potentially better. It's called murder.
That works too, and you can call it self-defense. However, I just feel that the plot would be much simpler if he didn't have to indulge in all that hero academy bullshit. He wants to live a "normal" life together with his demon lord cat waifu, he could do that without bothering with all that stuff.

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