@Harry_Dong Plot twist: They have crippling illnesses/disabilities and cannot make it to town on their own. There is also no one who would come to check on him during his vacation.
what about the kids?
will they able to spend the saving money properly? he said they're gluttons
will they able to get a source of income?
2 kids left with a lot of money, doesn't that makes them prime targets for robbery?
@coolbond I do not know of a specific manga, I am just speculating on the probability of it occuring based on the number of manga that come up when search for Isekai + Cooking (30), and knowing that this is only a small slice. There is also Fantasy + Cooking which will be close.
@Dadorable One can hope they are teens (old enough to be considered adult in medieval standard but still young to afford their own lodging) .Judging from his age it is possible.