It's technically chapter 0, so uploading it as a separate chapter might mess up online readers. Easier to bundle it on as an extra at the end of the volume.Shouldn't the extra chapter be uploaded separately ?
17.5 is more like what I had in mindIt's technically chapter 0, so uploading it as a separate chapter might mess up online readers. Easier to bundle it on as an extra at the end of the volume.
Narration may be ambiguous but I strongly suspect she had hypnotic powersMaid:"This child is crazy!"
Child:"Can you please to sit down instead to run away?"
My best friend yesterday had interesting insight on this, her dad seemed not present in the neverending dream Rosalind had after lying dead out in the cold, she met her mom in different universe. Which means he could have been alive somewhere.She knew what death means. She couldn't accept her mom's death, and trusted her dad to go see her mom on other side of the mountain (luckily the detective trusted him enough to do the work knowing prior talks they had). I guess her dad died as well [we'll go see her together]. It is the only way to end her sins, better than electrical chair. I like this mangaka already, she didn't romanticize psychopaths like these it was uncommon at that time probably. If it weren't for this ending, she would have grown up to be a pretty murderer in 1980s just like Ted Bundy etc, for her own motive she would be ready to kill anyone or animals for it.
LMAO, yeah I think it's demanding tone of hers that gives people not enough time to think, out of fear (freeze, flee, or fight kinda animalistic instinct thingy), to do what she wants instead.Narration may be ambiguous but I strongly suspect she had hypnotic powers