@BluePanda still imo the only asspull in achiga is Le mountain monkey.But well,asspulls is Ritz tradition.The fact that Ryuka remembered that she can go in trance mode only in match for 5th place is still baffles me
@Exella "I remember Yuuki struggling against Satoha in semifinals and going Deus Ex Tenho in finals"
Yuuki's power up was temporary. Kuro got permanent asspull. Besides Kuro was originally weaker than Yuuki, but now is stronger than her, much stronger. Ritz has a massive hard on for Achiga and that's ruining the manga.
Asspull is ruining Achiga, they started as light heart team should end with suitable result. Tell me, who in Achiga team try their ass off to reach higher result? They are just "I wanna meet my friend (which they did) luz" team.
Ritz want to make Achiga as powerhouse make me so mad.