Seriously though why are guys in manga so pessimistic? I’d get if she was just being nice to you at school or if you went to the beach as a group, but you do not ask a guy you don’t like to ask to invite you to the beach alone, and then say yes, and then enjoy it, and then say you should come back together in the future AND move to hold his hand. The only way she could be more obvious is if she strapped a giant blinking neon sign to her back that reads “I love you; please ask me out” in bold letters (err I guess characters in Japanese). This started cute when they were at school, but now it’s just somewhere between sad and pathetic. And I am a FIRM believer that women should just be honest with their feelings in series like this (and life). It would things so much easier, and there’s no shame in the woman being the one to ask the man out, but god this one is 100% on him. And dude have some self respect and don’t take the first out that presents itself.