Now you're straight up lying. Again. I'm not mad you read the links. In fact, it's the opposite. I'm mad you half ass read them and lied about the contents. I literally tell you multiple times to read them better. Try reading what I said to you. Because if that's the message you got, you're either illiterate or, again, trying to bullshit me. Generous my ass. Yea, the psychology is total crap. Okay. Then find something that contradicts it instead of supports it like I did, because surprise sur-fucking-prise, everything out there says the opposite. You really like to try and make this about me, and not you blatantly bullshitting me or not knowing what you're talking about. Is this what they call... projection?
And just because many scientists think the universe is expanding doesn't necessarily mean it's true. What kind of bullshit sentence was that. You really like to make assertions against things with back, with no backing of your own, don't you? Oh, and now we're changing the subject.
No pain no gain as a phrase has evolved. You got a work for something, you got suffer through hard work outs. What a stupid, misrepresented red herring hill to die on. As for the steak thing, a topic I'm unfamiliar with and will take your word for, maybe that's because there's evidence to suggest it isn't a good idea... hmmm something that doesn't seem to be the case for this topic... I wonder why... maybe because there is evidence to contrary and it's factually true unlike this bullshit urban legend you've pulled out of you ass that is an opposite to the case we're discussing?
Yes. Because not having sex is harmful, manly and badass. What another bullshit red herring of an argument that is.
"Couple of your links do look interesting"
Translation: "I have no room to bullshit my way out of this one and do not wanna read them and contrive more bullshit as I've been doing previously."
Yea, continue to make this about me, and literally ignore all of the criticism on you. Keep going. Keep pilling on those passive aggressive insults. I'm getting a severe little man syndrome vibe from you. This clearly has nothing to do with me, but your own projection and insecurity, otherwise, maybe, you'd have substantiated anything you said instead of digging that 6 foot deep hole you're standing in.
Now that you've shown your true colors, I'll give you a fragment of the hostility or arrogance you're pretending I'm exhibiting. You're a moron. You're not reading what I've said. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're outputting bullshit and fallacies. You're trying and failing to anger me and change the subject so you won't look like an idiot, but I haven't forgot what this conversation was about. Testosterone has undeniable short and long term affects on humans, that have anywhere between notable to serious affects on human psychology and physical capabilities. You have not provided a single damn thing to contest this fact, and continue to respond like a half wit to avoid this fact. This has nothing to do with my "supreme wisdom" but your majestic idiocy, little man syndrome, and hocus-pocus flat-earther-esque claims.
Try again. And this time, trying reading what's been said to you, and that includes my previous comment, because if this horseshit is your response, you failed. Hard. You've literally ignored or pretended every inconvenient thing to be untrue or nonexistent.