Satanophany - Vol. 15 Ch. 132

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 10, 2018
Jesas, what a manchild. Does your suspended Patreon makes you so cranky?
The statement that we gave was that we care more about giving high quality translations from actual translators who speak the language.
Shall I remind you the comments from back then when you guys took over this series from Death Toll? Your translation wasn't any better 7 years ago, but now you're acting high and mighty because you're supposedly use a real translation instead of MTL.
The point for us is we don't want to read Google translated garbage.
Don't put words in our mouth as if your scanlation is the only source we readers want to read.
I just refuse to let the series I care about be as low quality.
Bro, you're barely working on the series anymore. The scanlations for chapter 132 and 133 were done a year ago, and they were kept behind Patreon paywall. The farthest chapter you've translated are only chapter 136, and that was 6 months ago. Now you're saying you care for the series quality, when in reality you're just mad because someone sniped this series? I just feel that you're worried that your lunch change income will vanished just because a rando translated your only project that you've decided to monetize really badly all those years ago. Honestly, at this point, just take the L and get out from scanlation scene as well.
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Group Leader
Oct 22, 2024
For some reason all my messages are stuck in moderation now... well here is my response

Dude no one is claiming to be a victim, if you say I am please post the chat we had on discord here. You said you had chapters you had worked on so I simply asked you guys what chapters are those so I can skip them, then followed by this message. I posted a laughing emoji and was typing "Relax" only to get banned afterwards. Then what is with people sliding into my DM. This isn't a contest I believe anyone can do this, it's just for fun

You also casually cut off some bits of the thread but that isnt an issue. All I have to say is neither you nor I own this IP so all this is just dumb. Once again... Relax
fr fr this is the last time I'm addressing this. If I'm wrong send a snapshot of the unedited chat from me joining to getting banned so all can see how I earned the ban. If I am wrong I will kindly apologise
Nov 15, 2018
Jesas, what a manchild. Does your suspended Patreon makes you so cranky?

Shall I remind you the comments from back then when you guys took over this series from Death Toll? Your translation wasn't any better 7 years ago, but now you're acting high and mighty because you're supposedly use a real translation instead of MTL.

Don't put words in our mouth as if your scanlation is the only source we readers want to read.

Bro, you're barely working on the series anymore. The scanlations for chapter 132 and 133 were done a year ago, and they were kept behind Patreon paywall. The farthest chapter you've translated are only chapter 136, and that was 6 months ago. Now you're saying you care for the series quality, when in reality you're just mad because someone sniped this series? I just feel that you're worried that your lunch change income will vanished just because a rando translated your only project that you've decided to monetize really badly all those years ago. Honestly, at this point, just take the L and get out from scanlation scene as well.
We allowed our Patreon to be suspended, I didn't have any interest in uploading my personal information for their NSFW policy. I could have it fixed in 20 minutes if I felt like it, and even without it I still pay my translators, unlike you guys using machine TL.

Please do remind me of my comments, it'll be fun to hear all about how I spoke directly to the leader of Death Toll, got their okay, and then having our group praised by them for doing a good job. I will wait.

When I said "we" I was referring to our group, and our viewers who we have polled in the past on this very topic. Again, another misleading statement from a person who either can't read or simply wants to lie.

You can claim all you like that we're slow in our process - cool, I've admitted that, because the point is to find real translators. Satanophany is not a series you machine TL. It has too many medical terms, niche back stories, and a long list of characters whose names can be messed up. Something you clearly can't get based on the fact you're already misnaming common characters in the story.

You think I'm mad about someone sniping the series? My first and only public statement was me attempting to gracefully back out and let you guys have it. Had you waited a few hours, I had already sent a DM in our admin chat on Discord to release all the chapters we have immediately and "let them have it, we are busy with IRL anyways." I was never mad about you sniping it, I'm mildly annoyed at the fact you guys shit talked my group in this public comment section, and minimized the work we did.

Again you mentioned money, I spent a little more money than I ever made from working on the series, I pay my translators based on a percentage of what we made from Patreon, and I pay the difference out of pocket. We still hired translators even after I allowed the Patreon to be suspended. Nice try though.
Nov 15, 2018
For some reason all my messages are stuck in moderation now... well here is my response

Dude no one is claiming to be a victim, if you say I am please post the chat we had on discord here. You said you had chapters you had worked on so I simply asked you guys what chapters are those so I can skip them, then followed by this message. I posted a laughing emoji and was typing "Relax" only to get banned afterwards. Then what is with people sliding into my DM. This isn't a contest I believe anyone can do this, it's just for fun

You also casually cut off some bits of the thread but that isnt an issue. All I have to say is neither you nor I own this IP so all this is just dumb. Once again... Relax
fr fr this is the last time I'm addressing this. If I'm wrong send a snapshot of the unedited chat from me joining to getting banned so all can see how I earned the ban. If I am wrong I will kindly apologise
I'm referring to your statement that I kicked you from Discord and you now apparently are being told things by random people I have nothing to do with. I would never wish violence or harm on anyone, nor would I condone it. You putting those two statements together as if one lead to the other is what I referred to when saying you are acting like I personally attacked you.

What bits of the thread did I cut off exactly? I don't know what you're referring to there.

I don't feel like uploading the image to a cloud server just to post it here so I'll explain it once and if you want to contest my story then fine, I'll post screenshots. I'm certain we can both agree to what happened:

You wrote here in this thread: "So who is misleading who? Series you care about my a** when groups are offering to help only asking you to do the translations and you refuse only to release like 3 a year."

You have since edited that post, I assume because people didn't like it. I certainly didn't, which is why when you joined my discord moments later and wrote: "Hello. Please what chapters have you guys already worked on so I can skip that."

I already wrote my unedited response here so I'll skip it, refer to the message if you want to. When I sent my message, I didn't plan to kick or ban you, but when your only reaction was a laughing emoji instead of a real response, I acted a bit petty and banned you instantly. I assumed that would just be the end of us having to bother talking and move on after our chapters are done.

If you really apologize for shit talking my group then I accept it. I don't need the apology, in fact if you didn't respond at all we'd be fine too. Just stop replying with misleading stuff.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 10, 2018
Please do remind me of my comments, it'll be fun to hear all about how I spoke directly to the leader of Death Toll, got their okay, and then having our group praised by them for doing a good job. I will wait.
Originally I was just gonna comment once, but you guys are so easy so I'll respond to you again just for the luls
Great. Another comedian translator trying to be funny between panels....
This was written just a bit after your takeover in here, maybe even when you guys still goes by the name of This doesn't include all of those comments which were lost when died and the server nuked.
And now, to address the elephant in the room, shall we?

"Finding translator is hard, we ensure quality, blah blah blah"
Paid the ones doing it so translation isn't going to be the issue
Supposedly can crank out edited pages since you've even rejected that Slug dude all those years ago
Sounds like you guys got this under control then
Yet still unable to put a scheduled release and instead has to rely on paywall

You see where I'm going? Either you guys are an incompetent scanlation group but too proud to admit that, or you're playing the Galaxy Degen game with all the jailed chapters and goes pissy whenever someone sniped your series. However, looking from the way you're replying all of the recent comments, I think it's the former. Why incompetent? It's just because you paid someone to do a translation work, and yet, you can even get a consistent amount of translation scripts per defined time. Anyway, L move, and L behaviour.
Nov 21, 2023
I actually only learnt about scanlation groups and stuff because of this series. The original group said they cant keep up, I have years of Photoshop experience so I offered to help for free they turned me down. That was last year November (give or take) and I just decided to start doing it myself last week. I'm just doing it for those like me who cant read 3 chapters a year. Next chapter coming tomorrow, look forward to it 😁
Appreciate it for picking up this series! Hope everything goes well. 💪
Nov 15, 2018
Originally I was just gonna comment once, but you guys are so easy so I'll respond to you again just for the luls

This was written just a bit after your takeover in here, maybe even when you guys still goes by the name of This doesn't include all of those comments which were lost when died and the server nuked.
And now, to address the elephant in the room, shall we?

You see where I'm going? Either you guys are an incompetent scanlation group but too proud to admit that, or you're playing the Galaxy Degen game with all the jailed chapters and goes pissy whenever someone sniped your series. However, looking from the way you're replying all of the recent comments, I think it's the former. Why incompetent? It's just because you paid someone to do a translation work, and yet, you can even get a consistent amount of translation scripts per defined time. Anyway, L move, and L behaviour.
Oh my bad, clearly you're a moron, I thought you might actually be serious. I have never made any of these statements. I don't even know where the fuck you got them from or who you're quoting.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2019
We allowed our Patreon to be suspended, I didn't have any interest in uploading my personal information for their NSFW policy. I could have it fixed in 20 minutes if I felt like it, and even without it I still pay my translators, unlike you guys using machine TL.

Please do remind me of my comments, it'll be fun to hear all about how I spoke directly to the leader of Death Toll, got their okay, and then having our group praised by them for doing a good job. I will wait.

When I said "we" I was referring to our group, and our viewers who we have polled in the past on this very topic. Again, another misleading statement from a person who either can't read or simply wants to lie.

You can claim all you like that we're slow in our process - cool, I've admitted that, because the point is to find real translators. Satanophany is not a series you machine TL. It has too many medical terms, niche back stories, and a long list of characters whose names can be messed up. Something you clearly can't get based on the fact you're already misnaming common characters in the story.

You think I'm mad about someone sniping the series? My first and only public statement was me attempting to gracefully back out and let you guys have it. Had you waited a few hours, I had already sent a DM in our admin chat on Discord to release all the chapters we have immediately and "let them have it, we are busy with IRL anyways." I was never mad about you sniping it, I'm mildly annoyed at the fact you guys shit talked my group in this public comment section, and minimized the work we did.

Again you mentioned money, I spent a little more money than I ever made from working on the series, I pay my translators based on a percentage of what we made from Patreon, and I pay the difference out of pocket. We still hired translators even after I allowed the Patreon to be suspended. Nice try though.

You guys have been apparantly hording fully translated chapters for no good reason and only started releasing it publicly after slugslum started uploading his.
Yes, your translations are better than his.
No, that doesn't excuse your utter cringe behavior.

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