Saving 80,000 Gold Coins in the Different World for My Old Age - Vol. 5 Ch. 33.2 - Dragon Buster (Part 2)

Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
all gold trade now is 9999 which is 99.99 % weight is gold per kilo, i dont think they have tech surpass 50%, they must be melted and reforged in order to be traded
Active member
Jun 27, 2018
Dragons, guns, evil empire, lolis, dragon got blown up by rpgs... This is just GATE all over again huh.
Double-page supporter
Apr 22, 2018
history repeats, with the brother dragon turning into the elder dragon that warns the youth to not mess with humans

however, that raises the question, what the hell happened to the first elder dragon so that they got so traumatized?
Jan 15, 2019
Come on, Funa... If you're going for a Gate ripoff at least learn something from it. That guy in the back of that RPG-launching triangle formation... he doesn't want to be there.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Should she really let her own people die to spare a bunch of invaders, that already killed and want to continue to kill? After I started to think about it that way, I came to the conclusion, that this was a valid and justifiable option. She didn't start that war, but ended it.
That's indeed so. But that doesn't make the bitter taste in my mouth go away. The web novel basically flaunted that the endgame final boss of the war were just kids and their chaperone. A punchline that was basically saying, "lol, kids died because they were young and didn't develop a sense of right and wrong yet, and now their brother has ptsd! Too bad, rofl!" I love dramatic irony, but this was pretty sickening.

What bothers me isn't the logic or ethics of it, but the emotional part of it. Like how putting down a rabid puppy is the right thing to do, but depending on who you are and what type of person you are, it can be mortifying.
I'm a little biased too, since when I was young, my friends and I got into a situation where we could have died had we not complied with police over harmless fun, and because heavily-armed police were involved, our school punished us by expelling us for the rest of the school year.
Jul 3, 2018
@Gauvain "probably no value, because a test at "carbon 14" will show that it is a recent manufacture"

You can't use radiocarbon dating on inorganic material.
Radiocarbon dating only allows to date the time of death of a living thing.
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2019
Its like a teenager in rebellious pace who did something wrong accidentally and got traumatize by it
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Uwaah! The Lolicon loli-neesan is also a shotacon loli-neesan!!
Help me, policemen!
Jul 23, 2018
While it is sad, I have no pity for the dragons.

I'm starting to feel some sympathy for the attacking empire though. With the ancient dragons forcing them from behind, they had no choice but to attack and get demolished.
Dec 4, 2018
you're right, it's not carbon 14, but it's not imposible

"The study of old metals generally focuses on the chemical nature of the metal or alloy, the technique of implementation, the identification of corrosion processes and the analysis of surface deposits.

The study of gold objects is carried out from massive samples, surface samples (replicates) and elementary chemical analysis beam extracted directly on the surface of the object ( PIXE ) or when possible by LA-ICP -MS .


Gold is a noble material and therefore "unalterable", the study of its antiquity is complicated and is realized by an indirect observation focusing on the alteration of the elements that are allied to it.
The alteration of a gold alloy usually results in the appearance of dissolutions at the grain boundaries and a gold enrichment of the surface. These phenomena are related to the gradual departure of the less stable elements (copper, silver) present in the metal.
These phenomena can be natural or artificial. Their appearance and the presence or absence of corrosive chemicals make it possible to distinguish the different types of deterioration.

The identification of the process of manufacture of the object, the analysis of the composition of the metal or alloy and the study of non-metallic inclusions (sulphide and copper oxide, etc.) make it possible to verify the absence of technical anomalies in comparison with archaeometallurgical data.
The study of the deposits and their interaction with the corrosion products of the surface of the alloy reveal the medium of conservation of the object, or of possible surface treatments, old or recent.


The analysis methodology differs little from that used for copper alloys or silver objects.

A stereomicroscope examination of the object is always desirable to understand its structure, its manufacturing technique and to assess its general state of deterioration. Particular attention is paid to the traces of tools used for manufacturing (hammering, browning, possibly rolling of the metal) that can be significant to evaluate the antiquity of the object.
The or by gamma rays.

A chemical analysis carried out directly on the surface of the object ( PIXE ) makes it possible to obtain the exact composition of the metal and to highlight the existence of trace elements present in the gold and potentially significant of an origin. It is also possible to perform an analysis by LA-ICP-MS , a more precise method of analysis, from a micro-sampling of metal.

The study of the surface of a massive sample by scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) reveals the presence or the absence of old corrosion phenomena (dissolution at the grain boundaries) and makes it possible to determine the possible presence of deposits, their nature. as well as corrosion products.

The study on microsection in optical microscopy and by SEM - EDX makes it possible to highlight an alteration gradient between the metal matrix and the surface (depletion of certain elements, dissolutions at grain boundaries, alteration cracks, etc.). and the presence or absence of surface treatments (enrichment in gold or silver, pre-Columbian "tumbaga" alloys for example).
This study also makes it possible to check the degree of refinement of the metal by the observation and the characterization of nonmetallic inclusions present.

+ In addition

The dating U / Th-He allows, sometimes with a large margin of uncertainty, giving the date of final melting of gold and therefore the achievement of the object. This recent technique remains relatively experimental and some gold objects do not allow reliable dating, usually because of an excess of helium in their structure."
Dec 4, 2018
"forcing" ?
"encourage" would be a better fit
I read the last chapters and at no time did I get the impression that the Empire was forced to do a things

"the other day, I raped a girl, but she had a thong and a miniskirt, she forced me gentlemen jurors !"
the point is that if the person wants to do something, it's not the fault of a third party (dragon, miniskirt, ...)
Jan 29, 2018
If those chuuniryu were humans, there would be little difference from them and people like school bullies and serial killers; are you really going to claim you can relate to that? Burning down the chem lab or whatever stupid shit you did doesn't come close to killing small animals and bullying your 'inferiors'. Fuck those dragons.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
hmm.. these dragons are way weaker than the Gate's Dragons even compared to the smaller ones..

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