@themanj "fairy tail shit" i mean is the harem members combating 1on1 and them defeating their enemies with ass pulls nakama power up
next time ask what the person means before you do that okay?
let's not be those stupid sjw R\whooshers
@greyhud90 sorry i do apologize for that i thought you meant "fairy tale" and not "fairy TAIL"
and i get sjws frequently R/whoosh being unable to grasp the idea of context but this isnt that. i had an R/whoosh moment due to me interpenetrated your comment wrong now i made the assumption you where saying that it was a children's story about magical and imaginary beings like a literal fairy tale
Dude wth is lamia magic in this world? Honestly it's really cool. Like Waaaghh! Magic in Total War. Rather than using generic magic lore, the greenskins have their own special magic lore.