Sazi-chan no Yami Nikki - Vol. 2 Ch. 26

Group Leader
Mar 19, 2023
We should review bomb the author so they make a new chapter where someone saves her before she kills herself
Jun 8, 2024
I’m guessing Sazi figured that Her and Hikaris relationship would be like their moms? While Sazis mom is content and happy that Hikaris mom visits her every week, it’s also clear that shes not receiving genuine love and support. Shes just happy with her being there even though it’s just to keep her from going crazy.

Hikari even said “ Sazy is my burden to carry”. Like I said Sazy probably thought that Hikaris feelings would never be real or at least be difficult to see as genuine and didnt want to live a life of lies without true love.
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Aggregator gang
Feb 28, 2023
Wow! that ending sucked ass!

Volume two was doing the whole "our comic isn't popular enough so lets introduce a new character to add conflict" thing which is a bad start, and the tone switch to being more dramatic than comedic was kind of sudden, but there were some parts there that I liked (though the random ecchi shots felt more out of place). I thought it was nice how they created a foil for our main character to show how she's a "good" yandere when compared to a "bad" yandere because she genuinely wanted her crush to be happy and she never crossed the line from creepy stalker to attempted murderer. And they even had the parents as model for what accepting a yandere might look like. I thought the ending was going to be something like Mero and Edogawa helping Sazi to express her love in an acceptable (if over-enthusiastic) way, thus surpassing her mom by actually having a loving relationship with the girl she's obsessed with. They really put a lot of leg work into making a happy ending make sense (which fits tonally with the first volume being a comedy).

But then she just kills herself? Genuinely feels like a troll ending. She talks about her sins, but her crimes were all downplayed by the narrative, and the worst thing she did was the kidnapping, where she just immediately let Edogawa leave. If they were going to have her kill herself, shouldn't the second volume have shown some actual build up to that? Like we see the consequences of her crimes, or we see how she gradually becomes more unhinged, rather than the exact opposite of that, which is what we got. And if they wanted to do a shocking twist where she dies, they should have had at least a chapter or two of aftermath, like showing the other characters reactions to her death. As it is, it's just a single non-sequitur scene with no set up and no aftermath, that can only make you feel baffled and frustrated. Zero pathos.

Based on the early chapters, I thought the second volume would be something like Sazi tries to get closer to her crush through more legitimate means, like going on dates and stuff, while Mero tries to help her, but she's awkward and having her emotions stirred up causes her to do more crazy yandere shit. And then Mero starts to crush on Sazi as hinted at a couple times in volume 1, resulting in a very silly love triangle. Then volume 3 would be the last one and would have a somewhat more dramatic tone with the love triangle getting resolved in some kind of happy end. No interloper character. I think this would have been much better and would have matched the tone of volume 1 (which was good).
Dec 13, 2023
That was
an experience alright
Easily one of the manga I've ever read
jesus christ
I was like aw yay good ending. All of a sudden it's that? What?
I mean, I guess it accomplished its goal of shocking the reader, but jeez. That was horrible. At first I enjoyed it despite clearly not being the target audience, but that was just ridiculous at the end! Still in disbelief...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
That is the worst ending to any manga I've read. Suicide is a sin so how are you atoning for your sins by doing it? I really hate the edgy tone switch this took. I really thought we were getting another I love Amy kind of thing.
Double-page supporter
Jan 13, 2023
That is the worst ending to any manga I've read. Suicide is a sin so how are you atoning for your sins by doing it? I really hate the edgy tone switch this took. I really thought we were getting another I love Amy kind of thing.
Suicide is a sin?
What? Pilgrim's Progress isn't canon, you know.
Double-page supporter
Jan 13, 2023
I don't know what that is. My mom drags me to church, I'm not some church obsessed person. Yes, suicide is a sin. It's murdering yourself, it goes against the sixth commandment.

You know the concept of Jesus dying for our sins also established a new covenant, which effectively makes the teachings of the Old Testament no longer apply.
Also I would put forward that one cannot "Murder" themselves, they can kill themselves but those are not the same thing, it's intent.
The whole idea is a little silly, what if you sinned before you were abruptly killed? I'm not condoning suicide, but a loving God would not punish someone "murdering" themselves, if anything the worst part about suicide is how you selfishly traumatize your family/friends, which is very un-Christlike.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
You know the concept of Jesus dying for our sins also established a new covenant, which effectively makes the teachings of the Old Testament no longer apply.
Also I would put forward that one cannot "Murder" themselves, they can kill themselves but those are not the same thing, it's intent.
The whole idea is a little silly, what if you sinned before you were abruptly killed? I'm not condoning suicide, but a loving God would not punish someone "murdering" themselves, if anything the worst part about suicide is how you selfishly traumatize your family/friends, which is very un-Christlike.
It's still a sin though...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Do you actually believe the JAPANESE mangaka or the JAPANESE characters he made are Christians?
She mentioned atoning for her sins and jumped. If they are Christian or not they mentioned sins so I brought it up because she's trying to absolve her sins by committing another one. It was a bad ending that made no sense to me. That should be the take away from my comment. I'm not here to argue about church stuff.
Double-page supporter
Jan 13, 2023
It's still a sin though...
Jesus is the scapegoat for your sins, all he asks is that you follow Him to the best of your abilities and love your fellow man as he loves you. The conclusion of this manga is dead wrong, there is nothing you can do to atone for your sins. The best thing you can do to someone you've wronged is to genuinely ask for their forgiveness, or if there is anything you can do to make amends.

Do you actually believe the JAPANESE mangaka or the JAPANESE characters he made are Christians?
While I highly doubt the characters as depicted are Christian, you would be surprised how many Southeast Asians are converting to Christianity, especially in South Korea.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 26, 2023
That is the worst ending to any manga I've read. Suicide is a sin so how are you atoning for your sins by doing it? I really hate the edgy tone switch this took. I really thought we were getting another I love Amy kind of thing.
stop making everything about christianity
Aggregator gang
Jan 27, 2023
While I highly doubt the characters as depicted are Christian, you would be surprised how many Southeast Asians are converting to Christianity, especially in South Korea.
What does that have to do with this JAPANESE manga? Less than 1% of the Japanese population is Christian.
Jul 6, 2023
While I'm not surprised really, cause I've definitely read worse... so close. so so close. it was a good concept but the level of seriousness was all over the place and had me thinking the happy ending really was a sort of "everyone can get better!" type schtick which i love, but nah. seriously though, why a surprise suicide ending? what value does this add? it doesn't twist the narrative in any interesting way, and just shits on the whole thing. we watched this girl grow into a wonderful human being just to... watch her die immediately after? you know what's worse than being blue-balled? having your dick explode.
Active member
Apr 21, 2020
If I had a penny for every time a loli porn doujin artist tries his hands on yuri just to give a disappointing ending that makes you think "where is the Girl's love"? I would have three. Which is not a lot but I hate it happened that much-
Double-page supporter
Mar 6, 2019
I should've read the comments before reading this in its entirety. It felt like that ending was done for shock values. Started strong and ended pretty bad
Active member
Aug 5, 2024
was rooting for poly, what was this ending? it was all happy and stuff, not a very good ending honestly. it was alright to have it end good, was a stretch to make her kill herself honestly


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