He's letting Build panic and run because he wants him to taste despair. That and he's conveniently throwing the entire guild at him so the MC doesn't have to work extra hard at finding and killing every last one of them.
I hope that Build will live just long enough so he could show his face. Just for Build. Just once.
And see disbelief and dispair written over his face!
it's weird how satisfying this is. I've read plenty of revenge mangas and LNs but they all seem rather superficial and over the top edgy. The story telling here on the other hand has a good pacing that spaces out the MUH HATRED and spring it on you at the right moments like this. And it merges well with the personality of a man who is a veteran in actual guerrilla warfare.
too bad for his boss that build didn't just go out with a bang, now he's gonna be all desperate and show MC everything, at best (for the bad guys) the "stone" will be destroyed, at worst MC will acquire it instead and use it against them
@twinklecake Yes, but I meant it moreso as a war veteran who's seen some shit and has done some shit. Which is distinct to edgy revenge heroes or reincarnated NEETs who gain OP powers.
daMn i hope build (?i think that's his name) learns that MC is his ex-bud's own brother. like,,,, karma fam you literally backstabbed your own friend and let him rot, and now MC coming after you is retribution!!!