Second Life Ranker - Vol. 1 Ch. 54

Jan 21, 2018
Imagine if you will, that while harry potter was an ongoing series, someone else decided to half-way through their story, give their main character a lightning bolt scar and send them to a magical school.

THAT is why him becoming a necromancer is bad writing. It's deliberately aping another, more popular series in the same market while both are being published! It's probably not even going to add much to the story, it's just going to be yet another cool power to heap onto the cool power pile, because that's what the author thinks people mean when they talk about 'character development'
Mar 24, 2018
I feel like this is just a few chapters away from going full retard like Skeleton Soldier did.
Jul 12, 2019
@Nakanowatari Your words have filled me with peace knowing that there are actually people who know what Solo Levelling deserves and don't overrate it. Thank you.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2018
I check the comments to read about what people think about this chapter and all I get is some hate comparisons with Solo Leveling.

Like wtf

These two manwahs are nothing alike except in the way they both have badass MCs

All I see is that people are shit-talking Solo Leveling just because they don’t like it. It was popular, hyped, and had a good story whether you like it or not. Korean readers and gamers love the Undead army trope. Weed did it, Arc did it, Sung Jin-Woo did it. Get over it.

If the novel wasn’t any good, then the different number of translators wouldn’t have gone above and beyond to translate it and get it to the readers despite multiple warnings from the publishers. I saw it all happen in Reddit.

This manwah is facing the same problem when the translator for the novel got a notice to stop from the author. If someone’s continuing the translation, though you’re being rude to the author, I will still read your work because this is an amazing story.

Support your fanbase, don’t ruin other peoples. Don’t make shit-comparisons. Don’t escalate this and ruin it for everyone. They’re all good in their own way. Peace out.
Active member
Aug 25, 2019
i doubt mc would't get involed but i think the flame guy with challenge him after war arc and loss
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
suddenly "Arise!"
what's next? he starts collecting 7 dragon balls? 🤣
Aug 31, 2019
Imagine you come to read some comments on this manwha and what you read is Solo Leveling and references to it just because the MC has some shadows servants.

Gosh people are stupid and frustated for nothing, just go back to sleep and don't vomment any shit.
May 8, 2020
Oml can ppl stop saying it’s like solo leveling cause it’s really not... just cause there’s one thing that’s similar, everyone starts saying it’s a rip-off of solo leveling. I think it’s a good story , if you don’t then just stop reading ?? I’d like look to look at comments of ppl who have opinions about the chapter just read👁👄👁💧
Jul 3, 2020
C'mon, you couldn't have at least changed the color scheme of the summons? I knew this was taking some inspiration from Solo Leveling, didn't know it was blatantly ripping it off. Its taking stuff from Solo Leveling and Tower Of God and mixing them together at this point. The story is barely keeping me on this read. I've noticed it's taking a lot of stuff from Solo Leveling, TOG, and others. The author is basically just mashing different plots together to create a semi-unique storyline. It was going so great too, but it's starting to take stuff from Solo Leveling, and to the point where it's just a copy. "The Black King"?, seriously? That's literally just "The Shadow Monarch", but with similar words. The least the author could've done is make a more unique name and change the color scheme of the souls the MC summons. Then, I could've thought it took inspiration, but like I said, it's becoming a rip off. Its good, but it's a bit uninteresting when you make your story the same as another. It gets predictable.
Sep 17, 2018
"Erhmegerd blue and black undead!! Just like Solo Leveling"
You people have to realize how stupid you sound right?
Jan 31, 2018
everyone talking abt his necromancer ability but here im confused at how edora and phante can go to their village, i thought they were on the 11th floor? where's their village? can you leave the trial on hold and just go wherever you want to?
Sep 9, 2020
It's not explained but you can /tp outside of the tower with certain items and /tp back to the floor you were on or others you've been on, even the novel was pretty inconsistent.
Obviously there's many places where you can't just dip from the tower and the items cost a lot, but the MC is a madman who never stops the grind so he only goes up, except for when he visists his tsundere dwarf.


Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
even the color scheme is solo leveling lolololol

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