Seichou Cheat de Nandemo Dekiru you ni Natta ga, Mushoku dake wa Yamerarenai you desu - Vol. 8 Ch. 32 - Adventurers in Feruit

Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
If you had been charmed by carol in this chapter for how dependable and how she was so useful and so cute, you will like Emily for sure on "Level 1 Dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyou desu"
Feb 3, 2018
Carol's come a long way--I remember when she was introduced, cursed (so it was back then) with the Temptress job, hopeless as a result--you could see it in her eyes. Now, she radiates happiness, and you can see purpose in her mannerisms, posture, and eyes. Aside from that, she used to wear ugly pantyhose (but was still cute in her way), now she wears thighhighs, and has a waist belt. I'm not into flat girls, but that notwithstanding, Carol's definitely proving she's wife material, like Haru has. A good wife makes herself useful, and both of them do in multiple ways.

Unlike Mareena. She's such a +1, it's painfully obvious--even Ichinojou alluded to it more than once in this chapter.

That said, lots of people REALLY need to get over slavery. The people triggered over it are only so because they're trying to virtue signal; they do it also for the main people who cry about slavery (aside from from the Tumblrinas) in this day and age--who all do so in a Western world where it is outlawed across the board, and has been for at least a century. Both those people and the Tumblrinas do it for power, because controlling someone's tongue is one of the ways by which a vicious individual can gain power that person.

What's more, what slavery happened in the past happened because it was the name of the game back then. Throughout human history, humans also subscribed to and lived by the rule that comes from nature itself: the strong rule, and the weak are dominated. Everyone capable did this, without exception--that includes the ancestors of the aforementioned "people". It's the hallmark of a civilization that isn't societally advanced, one that is still relatively primitive.

Just like in this story's setting.

Perhaps the Tumblrinas who keep griping about slavery in every single manga it appears should grasp and remember the above facts and the fact that it's just a story. Like they say, it's 2020, not the 1700s or before. No well-adjusted person actually cares that much about slavery that happens in a story and only there.
Dec 3, 2019
"i'm your slave"  is a romantic moment; healthy, desirable male-female dynamic is like this and no amount of progressive crying will change that fact. slavery is a popular trope  because it's an easy way to communicate this submissive dynamic in this perverted world where people don't understand that marriage is already inherently like this.

anyway when's he gonna dick the lolis cmon just look at carol what are you waiting for
Feb 3, 2018
"i'm your slave"  is a romantic moment; healthy, desirable male-female dynamic is like this and no amount of progressive crying will change that fact. slavery is a popular trope  because it's an easy way to communicate this submissive dynamic in this perverted world where people don't understand that marriage is already inherently like this.

anyway when's he gonna dick the lolis cmon just look at carol what are you waiting for
I agree with most of this. Romantic slavery is a popular concept because, like you said, it's a reflection of the ideal relationship between a man and a woman. Ichinojou and Haru exemplify this dynamic perfectly: Haru is completely subservient to her beloved Ichinojou, passionately in love with and totally loyal to him; though she is capable of opposing his behaviors, she never does so in a way that renders her his opposition (for example, siding against or disrespecting him publicly; rather, she'd kill anyone who disrespects Ichinojou's strength as a warrior). In all things, he is her master, and would do anything for him as his love slave. Ichinojou is fully cognizant of his status (in actuality and in her heart) as her master, but views her as far more than just a mere slave--she is his most beloved companion, for whom he cares deeply. Never missing an opportunity to appreciate Haru's value and cherish her, there's no mistaking the lengths he'd go to to love and protect her.

All women want that. It's just that there's long been a massive effort toward societal destabilization (using ideologies such as feminism and the rest of progressivism) with one of its goals contributing goals being the destruction of that connection between men and women by the vilification of its concept. And so it has come to pass. don't seem to get that the same people who want this to come to pass are the same ones who want otherwise healthy men lusting after little girls in pedophilia--"lolis" who, due to their lack of physical development, are frequently similar in appearance to little boys unless nude. There's a reason why traps function as they do, and why they are now as accepted as lolicon itself; women aren't and haven't ever been the only target of the aforementioned effort.
Dec 3, 2019
2,584 don't seem to get that the same people who want this to come to pass are the same ones who want otherwise healthy men lusting after little girls in pedophilia--"lolis" who, due to their lack of physical development, are frequently similar in appearance to little boys unless nude. There's a reason why traps function as they do, and why they are now as accepted as lolicon itself; women aren't and haven't ever been the only target of the aforementioned effort.
pedophilia is an anti-concept grouping unlike things together: homosexuality (predating on prepubescent kids of either sex, as you describe) and the ordinary attraction of men for "underage" girls past puberty. it's meant to simultaneously tar the latter with the evil of the former, and paint the former with the benignity of the latter, to promote woman emancipation.

carol has tits, so she's old enough, i call her a loli as a meme to own the libs. girls marrying very young & as virgins is very good, would fix most of our problems, most of the people who object to "lolicon" are objecting to exactly this for feminist reasons about power disparity, so "lolicon" is contextually pro-patriarchy

if a sexualized character has secondary sexual characteristics, it's based and redpilled. if she doesn't, it's cringe, perverted, japan wtf.
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Feb 3, 2018
pedophilia is an anti-concept grouping unlike things together: homosexuality (predating on prepubescent kids of either sex, as you describe) and the ordinary attraction of men for "underage" girls past puberty. it's meant to simultaneously tar the latter with the evil of the former, and paint the former with the benignity of the latter, to promote woman emancipation.

carol has tits, so she's old enough, i call her a loli as a meme to own the libs. girls marrying very young & as virgins is very good, would fix most of our problems, most of the people who object to "lolicon" are objecting to exactly this for feminist reasons about power disparity, so "lolicon" is contextually pro-patriarchy

if a sexualized character has secondary sexual characteristics, it's based and redpilled. if she doesn't, it's cringe, perverted, japan wtf.

How is pedophilia an "anti-concept"? That's a rhetorical question, as you and I both know that it does very much exist. The fact that the powers that be do indeed use it exactly as you described is evasively used by lolicons to avoid the fact that their interest is indeed pedophilic--that they are, in fact, pedophiles. (I have to say, you're probably the only one to disagree with me--at least, it seems that you are--in a mature manner; almost every single lolicon I've come across who's heard my argument reacted with mindless hostility. "A hit dog will holler", as is said.)

Just because certain types will use the idea of pedophilia as an excuse to suppress depiction of beautiful women doesn't mean that pedophilia itself no longer exists.

Regarding Carol, let's be frank and honest, here: Carol is small enough to be mistaken by Ichinojou for a child--i.e., one beneath the age of any maturity, particularly the physical sort; that's the part that's certain. Carol's own response, correcting him with the fact that she is in fact nearly an adult, suggests that she's used to it--and so she appears as one to most others in general as well. This is my speculation, extrapolated from her response and circumstances; you may take that as a legit argument or not. Either way, she--as a half-minihuman--looks like a child. What's more, and contrary to one part of what you said about her appearance, Carol is almost always depicted as being flat as a board, and invariably diminutive (but sometimes, and more often later on, with a height that approaches Haru's). Anyone who will be honest and has been paying attention will tell you that she is there, in that form, to appeal to one group: lolicons. How? With what lolicons like: female characters who look physically undeveloped--just as Carol always does. And no, tiny breasts do not count for anything--the characters can't stay nude or nearly so 24/7, if they can appear as such at all. (That said, my evaluation from before of Carol still stands: she's a lovable doll to be sure, but there's no mistaking why she looks the way she does, especially given her age; if she looked like Haru, she'd be far better-designed.)

Thus, you calling her a "loli" isn't exactly inaccurate--that's the image they were going for with her appearance (there are enough examples of females of races with diminutive stature that still exhibit that physical sexual maturity (that lolicons are averse to, some enough to call such characteristics those of "hags") for the distinction to be made easily); they had Haru, they wanted a character to appeal to the lolicon audience. (That's actually one of the very few flaws of this manga--and it's not big enough to diminish its outstanding quality.) However, to show approval of that concept--of lolicon--to spite liberals is merely a cutting off of one's nose to spite the face: those who gave liberals their corrupt ideology and empower them to do the damage they do are some of the biggest pedophiles on the planet--as a group. You only strengthen them through such action, even through one that appears so inconsequential. (BTW, a "meme" is not a joke--it's a unit of cultural information; the cultural equivalent of a gene, you could say. People just started misusing it after others, in turn, started misusing it in reference to image macros/demotivators.)

"if a sexualized character has secondary sexual characteristics, it's based and redpilled. if she doesn't, it's cringe, perverted, japan wtf."

Finally, ask yourself this: why would one want to see a child--i.e., a physically immature girl, to be very clear here--sexualized at all? I'm going to elaborate on this point a bit further, because multiple angry lolicons have played the fool with me, pretending to be incapable of understanding nuance (or perhaps they really are that stupid): if you look upon the depiction of a male in a manga with lust the same way a lolicon will look at a loli (i.e., a sexualized little girl), what does that amount to? Yes, a homosexual action. You know what that makes you. So, what is a loli? The anime-style depiction of a little girl. To look at one with lust is not a crime, make no mistake, but it does make the luster a pedophile--by definition.

That being said, a physically immature and undeveloped female isn't very different in many physical ways from a physically immature and undeveloped male; this is why the trap concept exists, why castrato existed (artificially, by castration; those that are by endocrine disorders probably still exist, as the practice is now illegal in Italy), and why pedophile predators such as the aforementioned powerful ones do like young boys. The last one is not just because the young are impressionable.

So, once again, why would any healthy male want to look at a little girl in such a way?
Active member
May 21, 2023
I cannot wait for the schizophrenic girl to leave the group... that or the MC just takes her mask and burns it or something... I really dislike her alternate personality, she's extremely annoying. I'm starting to get the feeling I had when I started watching Black Clover, and that dude was screaming left and right... I had to drop that because I just couldn't stand it... I've even tried going back like 2 or 3 times, and i just can't even get to episode 3... Plus the entire beginning premise is just totally idiotic.

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